Add custom tooltip to any object

Related products: Navigation

I would like to add custom tooltips text to any object on the board.

When the cursor is hovered over the object, the text would appear, even if the object was locked.

Example using Miro’s existing tooltips:


Use Case

This idea first came to me when I was building my 101 Miro Templates Challenge entry board. I wanted to have additional help/instructions for the user that was using my board to learn more about Miro.

Another use case would be for wireframe objects:


This feature would be great, as we use canvases with descriptions, that should only appear when the user wants them to.


Addtionally, it would be BOMBASTIC to have the option to embbed elements like websites INTO the tooltip window that appears. That would absolutely be amazing.

We use Miro with our clients to show progress in the ideation of our research projects. We need to unclutter our Miro board with additional info that we can hover over and show during a presentation. This idea has been sitting here a while, I hope it comes off paper.

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