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Hi there,

I ran into a problem that a 500 response is returned to a valid request if you send it via Intellij Idea. (via Postman is ok)

"type": "error",
"code": "internalError",
"message": "Internal server error",
"status": 500

I am sending the request to “” endpoint and have this issue, but if I’m sending request to” it works fine. This is strange.

Similar problem was here.

I am able to reproduce, it seems to come from the "organizationAccess": "edit" parameter. if you change it to private it works.


I raised it to our engineering team and will let you know when I hear back from them.

Hi @ValentinCake,


Could you share with us the exact requests you are executing? If it works in Postman it should work exactly the same in the IDE. There might be a difference somewhere, we just need to find it 🙂


The more information you can share, the easier it will be for us to help you.

Request method:	POST
Request URI:
Proxy: <none>
Request params: <none>
Query params: <none>
Form params: <none>
Path params: <none>
Headers: Authorization=Bearer MY_TOKEN
Cookies: <none>
Multiparts: <none>
"name": "Test API",
"policy": {
"permissionsPolicy": {
"collaborationToolsStartAccess": "all_editors",
"copyAccess": "anyone",
"sharingAccess": "team_members_with_editing_rights"
"sharingPolicy": {
"access": "edit",
"inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess": "editor",
"organizationAccess": "edit",
"teamAccess": "edit"
"description": "for testing qa_guru"

This is from the logs of the IDE, exact request looks like:

        CreateBoardResponse response =
.header("Authorization", "Bearer MY_TOKEN")

It's strange that everything is fine in v1 :(

Thank you very much, I'll be glad to hear the news :)

Another small moment, request “v2/boards/{board_id}/tags” returns "unknown" instead of "dark_green".

