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Hi there,

I ran into a problem that a 500 response is returned to a valid request if you send it via Intellij Idea. (via Postman is ok)

"type": "error",
"code": "internalError",
"message": "Internal server error",
"status": 500

I am sending the request to “” endpoint and have this issue, but if I’m sending request to” it works fine. This is strange.

Similar problem was here.

Another small moment, request “v2/boards/{board_id}/tags” returns "unknown" instead of "dark_green".


Thank you very much, I'll be glad to hear the news :)

I am able to reproduce, it seems to come from the "organizationAccess": "edit" parameter. if you change it to private it works.


I raised it to our engineering team and will let you know when I hear back from them.

Request method:	POST
Request URI:
Proxy: <none>
Request params: <none>
Query params: <none>
Form params: <none>
Path params: <none>
Headers: Authorization=Bearer MY_TOKEN
Cookies: <none>
Multiparts: <none>
"name": "Test API",
"policy": {
"permissionsPolicy": {
"collaborationToolsStartAccess": "all_editors",
"copyAccess": "anyone",
"sharingAccess": "team_members_with_editing_rights"
"sharingPolicy": {
"access": "edit",
"inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess": "editor",
"organizationAccess": "edit",
"teamAccess": "edit"
"description": "for testing qa_guru"

This is from the logs of the IDE, exact request looks like:

        CreateBoardResponse response =
.header("Authorization", "Bearer MY_TOKEN")

It's strange that everything is fine in v1 :(

Hi @ValentinCake,


Could you share with us the exact requests you are executing? If it works in Postman it should work exactly the same in the IDE. There might be a difference somewhere, we just need to find it 🙂


The more information you can share, the easier it will be for us to help you.
