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Hi there

I’ve noticed that sometimes when I add a frame around some content that not all that content is picked up by the frame. So if I want to move the frame to another part of the board it is only picking up some of the elements. Doesn’t seem to do this consistently so not sure what I am missing here? Can anyone help?

@Paula Dunn -

Dropping an existing object into a new frame works, but creating a new frame round an existing object doesn’t pick it up. 

Are you seeing inconsistent behavior with the former approach too?


@Paula Dunn -

Dropping an existing object into a new frame works, but creating a new frame round an existing object doesn’t pick it up. 

Are you seeing inconsistent behavior with the former approach too?


That’s great, thank you so much. Have just had a play around and yes it is working exactly as you say. Thanks again.

I don’t find this issue to be solved yet.  I try removing content from a frame and then re-pasting it in the frame, but the frame edges don’t turn blue (and thus acknowledging receipt of the new object.) Is it that frames cannot be added inside of frames?

@Brian Fulghum Yes, that’s correct. Frames don’t pick up other frames 😁

@Paula Dunn -

Dropping an existing object into a new frame works, but creating a new frame round an existing object doesn’t pick it up.



This makes no sense to me. Now I have a big mess. I created a board “on the fly”, meaning I had no idea with what I was going to come up with when I started. Now I have a frame that contains 4 frames. I want to move it and can’t. Is there no way to fix this? I have what I want and it would take a long time to recreate. If I wrap everything with a frame, I want to pick everything up.

I feel like I’m missing something simple.

Edit: Your comment about grouping frames worked. Thanks. 

@Brian Fulghum Yes, that’s correct. Frames don’t pick up other frames 😁

They should. 

Still having this issue even when I create the frame first, randomly some content moves and some doesn’t :(

Agree, having problems, frames not accepting all content. When I add content to a frame it does not consistently register as part of the frame (even after multiple times trying to move it into the frame). When I move the outermost frame some content is left behind!

[workaround: I select and group everything in the frame, including the frame. then I can move them all together. But this defeats much of the purpose of the frame and is an annoying extra step every time I want to move it.]

I have even selected items and then clicked “create frame” and afterwards the frame moves by itself without the items. 

It seems that sometimes I can add a smaller frame on top of a larger frame and sometimes I can’t. when it doesn't add it gets hidden behind the larger frame (while the content of the smaller frame is still visible in the front. I try doing actions and creations in different orders and literally just can’t get one frame on top of the other… except when I can...

  1. why is this inconsistent? am I just not noticing some small detail?
  2. frames are great for organizing content. why can’t we put a frame at least on top of another frame (even if it doesn’t add into it)?

I have even selected items and then clicked “create frame” and afterwards the frame moves by itself without the items. 

Same problem here.

It seems that sometimes I can add a smaller frame on top of a larger frame and sometimes I can’t. when it doesn't add it gets hidden behind the larger frame (while the content of the smaller frame is still visible in the front. I try doing actions and creations in different orders and literally just can’t get one frame on top of the other… except when I can...

  1. why is this inconsistent? am I just not noticing some small detail?
  2. frames are great for organizing content. why can’t we put a frame at least on top of another frame (even if it doesn’t add into it)?

Same problem here.

Adding Frame B around existing Frame A,  will not move Frame A when you move Frame B.

Adding Frame B around existing Frame A will not move Frame A when you move Frame B.

Very inconvenient. When I create a board, I start with individual sections. When I am done with the content, I will set up a navigation structure with larger frames that will typically include smaller existing frames. 

Lots of people seem to have that problem btw: Frame around frames? | MiroNested Frames | Miro

So is the work-around: create the larger frame, then delete and recreate the smaller frames within it? 

It is also related to the “nested frames” issue: Layers / Frames within Frames | Miro: 221 people voted on the issue and there is still no update if it’s even on the roadmap or an ETA.

Frames that are added to an existing frame are not (always?) picked up either.

Has anyone found a solution? I have these exact same issues (inconsistency of what gets 'captured' by larger frames) and it's destroying my productivity. @Miro, pls help!!!

This seems to still be a problem. Inconsistent behaviour. Did anyone get a solution?


I also have problems with coloured fills for the frames being hidden by stacked frames.


Hey, Miro, please fix it. This is one of the core functionalities when it comes to ORGANISING your board. 

Hi team,

Loving miro!

When I select a number of objects, right click, and select Create a frame, a frame is certainly created around the objects.

However, these objects are not associated with the frame - they are just surrounded by it.

I then have to:

  • expand the frame a little
  • reselect all the objects and give them a jiggle to associate them with the frame

So my user story:

As a miro user

When I select multiple objects and select ‘Create a frame’

I want all those objects to be associated with the frame

So that I can immediately move the frame to where I need it instead of having to do the frame resize and object jiggle!

Agreeing with everyone on this idea!

Thank you :-)

Hi @Lyall Shapiro,

Alyona from Miro Support is stepping in for a moment.

Thanks for sharing your experience!

The behavior you're describing was true some time ago (over 6 months), but we have released several improvements since, and now the frame created around the existing content should pick it up without any extra steps.

I just tested the frame creation flow with some basic widgets (shapes, sticky notes, images, emojis, comments) in five browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, and Edge) as well as our Desktop app and the result was the same in all of them. You can watch this loom where I show my experience. 

I assume you might work with more complex widgets than those I tested on. If this is the case and you can consistently reproduce this issue, would you be able to record a quick video showing the steps and share it with me as well as specifying your setup (device type and model, OS version, browser, etc.)? Thanks a lot for considering my request! I would love to help you resolve the issue, but so far can't understand what is causing it. 

Hi Alyona,

Thanks so much for your swift reply and the loom.

I’ll do a recording for you of my experience and share.

Briefly, some interesting notes:

  1. I am trying to create a frame around objects that are sitting on a much bigger frame.
  2. The frame created around these objects sits very very close to the objects thus grouped - in your loom, the frame gap to the objects was much wider.

Let me get back to you with a recording.

Hi Alyona,

I ran a little test.

When I select objects and create a frame on the miro background, then the behaviour is as you have shown.

When am collecting objects which are sitting on another frame, the behaviour is as I noted above - collect objects, create frame, expand frame, collect objects and jiggle to associate with new frame.



Thanks for sharing the exact steps, @Lyall Shapiro!

I am able to reproduce the behavior you're describing, but I'm pretty sure this is expected because all the widgets are already "stuck" to the bottom frame. That being said, I'll reach out to the team behind the frames feature to check if my hypothesis is correct. I'll let you know once I have any updates!

Fantastic, thanks @Alyona :-) I look forward to any news.

@Lyall Shapiro, I have a quick update: the team told me they'd need to spend a significant amount of time investigating whether the current behavior is the most optimal from the UX standpoint. Since they have some higher priority tasks at the moment, although they will eventually work on this research, there's no ETA I can provide you or promise that the behavior will be changed after this research.

Because of that, if you frequently have a situation like the one you described and the need to do all the extra steps to make the widgets "stick" to the newer frame bothers you (which I would understand), here's an additional workaround I can suggest:

Hope this helps 🙂

Thanks @Alyona and team :-)

It’s all good. Yes, I have been using that approach now that I understand why things are happening the way they are.  It’s a workaround, yes, but it’s entirely acceptable for the time being. Let’s be honest - first world problems huh!

I look forward to a feature update sometime in the future :-)

Thanks for being accessible and responsive!!
