Text/Font Styles

It would be really great if it would be possible to define text styles in Miro.

Since Information granulation needs (visual) hierarchy it would be great to define something like “Headline 1”, “Headline 2”… “Paragraph Text”, “Quote”… just like in MS Word.

This would be a game changer for my work in Miro.

Please also let me control the padding and line height of a text box.

Please don’t just implement it like in Word though. InDesign and its Paragraph Styles do the job right! Please use an actual layout software like InDesign as reference not MS Word 😪 The InDesign Paragraph Styles dialog is even more compact, accessible and robust as all those ugly and finicky Word ribbons.

Sharing those formats over all board members would be amazing. I could pre-define styles for my colleagues instead of making those little design components off frame which they would then copy and edit.

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