Selective Faster Opening of Board

I love the infinite canvas feature in Miro and that one can even link elements between boards. What is disrupting my workflow is that it takes very long for me to load a Miro board (regardless of internet and web/desktop app). This is particularly true if I have created a very large board that is interrelated. 

A software feature that I would love to see is that in a case of a slow loading period, one can select a board that one wants to load first and already work on - the others would then be loaded “in the background” if working on the first board allows it. Instead of loading the whole board in one go, 90% of which I often do not use. 

@JakobPossert -

I’d suggest reviewing the wish list guidelines here and add this as a new idea: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro
