Customize thickness of lines of Mind Map

Related products: Mapping & Diagramming

Add a tool in the toolbar for “Mind Map” to customize the thickness of lines of “Mind Map”

or just make all editing of lines, shapes, text have a consistent edit UX so all features are available in all contexts and so lower the learning curve and onboarding time & effort too :-)

Increase line thickness could be very usefull!

The lines of my mindmaps used to be much thicker, these days I can barely see them… 

So, what has changed since I used them a year ago?

Or what have I changed for them to appear so thin?

And more importantly what can I do to make them visible again?

Yes… This is very annoying. 

Very important to have this feature. I use the Swimlane-Mindmap (a new template by the way). It unuseful like it ist today. Thank. 

This feature is very important, it will be easier to see the connectors with the line thickness. 

please implement this feature.

it is not possible to see the thin lines when you scale your mindmaps.

The mind maps in Miro are not as good as say, Mind Node Pro. This is entirely due to their use of very light lines.

Guys, I’ve found a workaround until (if) they fix this:

Just reduce the size of the mindmap. The lines go back to their original thickness when the main box’s font size is around 15. 

I had to reduce the size of my entire board as well, so they match sizes.

Try it and let me know if it works for you.

I am not sure how you do this @Rafa Leto can you explain again or add screenshot? thanks @Miro Community Team  this is really a bad UX design and it’s not really aligned with the needs of people with disabilities ( linked to eyesight);..

I am not sure how you do this @Rafa Leto can you explain again or add screenshot? thanks @Miro Community Team  this is really a bad UX design and it’s not really aligned with the needs of people with disabilities ( linked to eyesight);..

@Laurence C. you have to Zoom out by holding ctrl or cmd and scrolling down with your mouse. Then, select the mindmap with a left-click, hold the click, select the mindmap and you’ll be able to see 4 white dots surrounding the mindmap. Click on one of those, drag inwards to reduce the size of the map.

Did I help you? 

Working, thanks @Rafa Leto  but  @Miro Community Team  please do something about this… this is really an eyesore….

@Miro Community Team please fix this? this thread has been open for 3 years, and half of the posts on this forum are addressing this issue. miro is at the top of google search for an online whiteboard, and the users expect a better user interface.

Agreed, @mirouser123 I am working on something needing this today and looking for a resolution. I found this three year old thread all the way to comments from three days ago for what should be a simple user feedback request. 

Adding my plus one for this to be fixed. Please, I really do need this feature to be added to Miro.

Also would like max thickness for shapes to be increased

Wow.. its been 3 yrs for this wish list item - To increase the connection lines, thickness ( something common sense) and is still not done!!! It weird that u can zoom out and zoom in as much and the connection lines are practically not visible at all…. What is Miro planning to do about this, the only reason I have to go to Lucid Charts 😞 I prefer Miro but I cannot do what I want due to no visible connection lines.



Yes, please fix this or explain to us exactly how to do it if it is already possible.

It makes it quite hard to read the charts!

Looking forward to a positive response.


Hi. It's been 3 years and there is no way to customize the thickness connections lines in MindMaps?


Thank you.

hi All, 

FYI… I have raised this issue with MIRO via their Insta account. They responded really quickly too.. and asked to share this post, which I have now done.

heres hoping to something coming out of it… 




Hi everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, vote and share feedback about this feature. Our team is reviewing this idea and will follow up if there are any updates we can share. We appreciate your patience and commitment to making Miro better!