Hi everyone! Some of you may know about this already since you were participating in the public beta, others will hear about this exciting update for the first time today… Long story short, the updated board UI is coming soon to all Miro users 🥳
New and existing Miro users on the Free, Team, Business, Consultant, and Education Plan will be gradually receiving this update until mid-February.
Enterprise Plan customers will get the updated board UI in March.
Please, bear with us as we update key customer-facing touch-points including the Help Center, and try out the refreshed, scalable board interface with faster discoverability of key features during your next collaborative session.
Happy to see the updated UI is ready for general activation, @Lena Shenkarenko - I was getting tired of asking my boss “Can you see it yet?”
Is there a reason “Save as Image” is greyed out? This was one of my Favorite Functions
Is there a particular reason roll-out of the new interface would not be pushed at the end of the week so Users could test and report issue over the weekend. My UI update came this morning and I am having all sorts of issues loading Boards. The Board Content Loads but the new UI Menus are Blank and not loading.
I’ve use Miro since the early days of Realtimeboard… over the years I notice progressively worse UX with respect to content being able to load. Too much functionality is being added in my opinion.
A quick note for anyone reading and wondering why the UI elements may not be loading at all - there is currently an incident:
Thanks for sharing this update @Robert Johnson. This issue is now fully resolved, and it wasn’t connected with the updated UI rollout @Brandon Lee – hopefully everything works for you as expected now. I also passed your question re: ‘Save as image’ function to the product team, and we’ll circle back on this with you ASAP.
@Brandon Lee we weren’t able to reproduce the issue you are running into on our side. Can you, please, reach out to the support team, and share as much information about the board you’re experiencing this issue with (your device, your rights on the board, the plan the account is on, etc) and they will look into this for you.
The Issue @Lena Shenkarenko with “Save as Image” has resolved itself after Robert Posted and you followed up with “… fully resolved...”.
Map/View Toolbar will Not Hide
Does anyone have the issue in the new UI where the Map/View Toolbar will not Hide?
@Brandon Lee -
When I hover off the navigation toolbar, it minimizes to only show me the “- <x%> + ?” icons.
Working as expected for me:
@Brandon Lee - As I posted my last reply, I noticed that you are using touchscreen navigation mode:
I cracked out my old Dell with a touchscreen and am also noticing that, when in touchscreen mode, the mini-map toolbar does not minimize. I will note this to Miro support to pass along to the product team and will report back with their response.
Actually… @Lena Shenkarenko - Are you able to confirm if the mini-map not minimizing when in touchscreen is a feature or bug?
@Robert Johnson@Brandon Lee thanks for reporting! It’s,indeed, a bug that will be fixed once the updated board UI is rolled out to all users (part of the update is improving the experience for touch devices) so, please, bear with us!
I reported a Ticket to Developers @Robert Johnson my UI won’t change to Mouse and is “stuck” on Touch. I cannot believe though I am the only User whose UI is “stuck” in Touch Model.
Terrible Update when in the Browser trying to Open a Second Miro Board Tab will Log you out of the Tab that is opened.
Terrible Update when in the Browser trying to Open a Second Miro Board Tab will Log you out of the Tab that is opened.
@Brandon Lee - This is not happening to me. I am using Miro via latest stable Chrome on Windows 11 64-bit and currently have three instances/tabs of Miro open, with three different boards loaded. My primary account subscription is on the Consultant Plan, but I am also a member of Free, Education, Team Plans, and have some limited access to some boards in an Enterprise Plan.
I seem to recall from some of your previous posts that you are a Mac user? What else can you tells us about your set up?
My setup is Windows 10 using Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Browser… still experiencing Browser Tab Logging Out will report as an Issue.
Update: Could be a Edge Browser Issue (I noticed that was updated recently too). When testing in Firefox I cannot reproduce the symptoms.
Many Users (very experienced… we have used Miro for 6 years) have lost content on a Board because of the Select Image and Paste from Clipboard replace function added. Not sure why in some cases this cannot be reversed with the Undo.
We recover content by restoring a backup and retrieve the lost Image.
Do you still have access @Robert Johnson to your Help Center Dashboard. I tried to Sign In to Miro Support & Help Center but nothing happens. In the past I use to be able to see all my Tickets I submitted.
Cc: @Lena Shenkarenko
@Brandon Lee - I did have a similar issue about 19 days ago, both when trying to login to the community AND the Help Center - it was an SSO issue tied in with Google Authentication. If you do create a ticket, you can reference mine: #383368.
I ended up having to completely sign out of miro.com, clearing the cache/cookies, and signing back in to miro.com using my Google account, and then into the community and help center.
Hello @Lena Shenkarenko! Can you help me? After updating since 2 days I can’t load one of my board anywhere (on the app on my computer (home 5G Wi-Fi , on my phone with mobile data, on my computer (Google Chrome, Windows 10)). I also duplicated this board, but it didn’t help. Before it worked good.
Sometimes when I refresh the page, I manage to zoom in the first second and see something, but then the loading stops and the board does not work (pic 4). I can't use any features on the board.
The second board is loading. And I can create a new board and do something there. Did you change something for Free plan? Does a free plan board is unlimited editable or no?
my phone (mobile data)
Sometimes it stops like this
@Yana Bunina
The second board is loading. And I can create a new board and do something there. Did you change something for Free plan? Does a free plan board is unlimited editable or no?
To clarify, I do not work for Miro and am just a volunteer community moderator, so I am aware of changes that Miro makes.
I have converted your reply into a Miro support ticket - you should have received a confirmation email about this and all replies from the support team will go to that same email address.
Hello @Lena Shenkarenko! Can you help me? After updating since 2 days I can’t load one of my board anywhere (on the app on my computer (home 5G Wi-Fi , on my phone with mobile data, on my computer (Google Chrome, Windows 10)). I also duplicated this board, but it didn’t help. Before it worked good.
Sometimes when I refresh the page, I manage to zoom in the first second and see something, but then the loading stops and the board does not work (pic 4). I can't use any features on the board.
The second board is loading. And I can create a new board and do something there. Did you change something for Free plan? Does a free plan board is unlimited editable or no?
my phone (mobile data)
Sometimes it stops like this
In our Office, we had an event a couple years ago where Board Content was deleted. We have 100’s of Boards and many were affected. The problem is there is no indication of which Boards lost Content. So in our Office we don’t trust Miro for storing content and when we are done Idea Storming we export it out via PDF. We essentially treat Miro like a Physical Whiteboard and walking away from it means the content becomes volatile. I’ve made requests in the past to create different levels of Change Control but that would not help in avoiding what you are experiencing. So we just avoid using Miro to store long term content.
Cc: @Lena Shenkarenko
In our Office, we had an event a couple years ago where Board Content was deleted. We have 100’s of Boards and many were affected. The problem is there is no indication of which Boards lost Content. So in our Office we don’t trust Miro for storing content and when we are done Idea Storming we export it out via PDF. We essentially treat Miro like a Physical Whiteboard and walking away from it means the content becomes volatile. I’ve made requests in the past to create different levels of Change Control but that would not help in avoiding what you are experiencing. So we just avoid using Miro to store long term content.
Cc: @Lena Shenkarenko
Thank you, I thought that I can trust to Miro like to Google Drive and save there all materials...
@Yana Bunina
The second board is loading. And I can create a new board and do something there. Did you change something for Free plan? Does a free plan board is unlimited editable or no?
To clarify, I do not work for Miro and am just a volunteer community moderator, so I am aware of changes that Miro makes.
I have converted your reply into a Miro support ticket - you should have received a confirmation email about this and all replies from the support team will go to that same email address.
@Robert Johnson Thank you! I don’t know if Miro team helped/ changed something or something else happened, but now the board has started loading and I can work there.