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Introducing the new "hide and reveal" setting for frames

  • 16 September 2020
  • 31 replies

:tada:You voted. We listened! The #1 upvoted feature on Community Wish List is here. :tada:


Introducing the new hide and reveal setting for frames – manage what frames are hidden and visible on your shared boards and control when content is revealed to your participants during meetings and workshops.

Board owners can now control visibility of frames.

Hide content so that it stays private until the right moment to share it.  Stay in control of when content is revealed on the board so you can set the stage, design workshops content step-by-step, and maintain a private space on your boards. Available on all paid plans.

Read more about this magic new setting for frames here. 


Please leave your feedback in the comments below :arrow_down:


Dear Community,

in all my Miro boards, visitors can unhide content (they can´t hide, though). That does not really make sense, right? Is that a bug?

Does anyone else experience that behavior, too? Or do I miss some board preference?



Frames that are hidden can only be unhidden by the board owner or co-owner.

Please show us an example of what you mean by “hidden” using a screenshot, or better yet, a screen recording - Loom is free and easy to use and share a video. 

Dear Robert,

like Anette already stated: Visitors can unhide frames just by clicking on the corresponding entry in the sidebar.

Can you tell your dev team to fix that



@MarianBW - I do not work for Miro and am only a volunteer moderator of this forum.

I can say that I noted this behavoiur myself and opened a ticket with the Miro support team who acknowledged there is a bug to which a fix is currently under development. This bug is allowing any editor (team member, visitor, or guest) to be able to both hide and unhide and frame on the board via the frames sidebar.

@Annette Reiners / @MarianBW - If you wish to receive updates about this bug, I would suggest that you subscribe to this post by either leaving a reply or clicking on the subscribe star under the main post:

Frames seem very  clunky when it comes to presenting a Mind Map to an audience and not what I envisioned at all.  😥😥
Even Powerpoint can handle nodes/objects appearing in order, and the connectors should appear once the node/objects appear.

I have a question here for the Miro team (or educated users).

Can I use this feature already with Standard license or do I require a Business license to use this feature?  I am deciding whether to buy a license based on this information. 

Thanks in advance. 

Hey Miro Team,
i just bought the “starter” subscription but can´t find the “hide and reveal” feature, which is very powerful.

Is it (currently?) not available, or how could I get it?

Thanks for your reply.

