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Leveraging Miro as a People Leader

  • 11 August 2021
  • 5 replies

We know Miro as “simply beyond awesome” for virtual collaborative work, such as product development, design thinking and managing work flows. As a facilitator (including yours truly), we’ve used Miro extensively to deliver learning events and workshops.

:question: But how about people development? For the people leaders amongst us, working in organisations, have you used Miro to engage and inspire your co-workers? Or as platform to encourage open team conversations? What are your action-oriented leadership moves using Miro?

I would love to learn what you’ve done for your team members, and the impact you’ve made using Miro as a people development tool.


Here’s some plays that I’ve created and curated from The Facilitative & Visually Engaging Leader that I hope can trigger your own ideas!


How might we...ensure diversity in hiring is TRULY practised and leaders are informed


How might we….ensure team agreements are inclusive by making both co-workers AND leaders accountable and responsible


How might we...tap on the existing skills marketplace available within our team for learning beyond work responsibilities


How might we...understand each others’ Strengths, Talents, Interest and Passions in a deliberate and visual way 


5 replies

Userlevel 6

Skills Pool - GENIUS. 

Fave STIPS - also, borrowing. 

Thank you @Isman Tanuri!


I’ve really just started using Miro as a People Leader (internally at Miro, so meta!) and it’s such a game changer for me. 


I recently instituted virtual office hours using a Miro board to invite people to chat about whatever is on their mind, especially with a distributed team (and collaborators) across time zones. I’ll keep everyone posted on the learnings/highs/lows. (I hope to also make these external in the coming months so I can meet with Miro community members all over the world!) 



Userlevel 7
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@Colleen Curtis I love this format for your office hours! The bulletin board is such a cute concept. Also (hehe as you know) I get so stuck in stickies mode that I forget about the delightful ways to translate physical places into digital spaces - shout out to Joshua Davies for that wonderful saying. Love that you’re translating a study hall into Miro office hours.


@Isman Tanuri great call out to the many ways that people can use Miro! @Natalie Larino@Marina@Anna Savina and I did something similar with Team Player Cards. So important! 


p.s. @Isman Tanuri do you know what Joshua’s community handle is? I want to at mention him to give him credit :smile:

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I love all that transparency, @Colleen Curtis, a hallmark of great leaders! So much learning on an open Miro board like that, and people get to understand what’s in the mind of their leader so much easily. Looking forward to connect with you at your Office Hours! :)

Love the Team Player Cards, @Alexis Luscutoff, great shout! That’s a great people AND team development tool, looks like I need to reach out to Vanessa Sequeira to send along kudos!

That would be @Joshua William Davies :)


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Great post, @Isman Tanuri!

I’ve never been a people leader myself, but as a team player I can definitely say that Miro really helps during our team meetings especially while we are remote. Ice breakers, introductions, daily stand-ups (hey-hey @Diana Coetzee), all other team activities. It just requires quite a decent level of facilitation skills from the manager to really engage the team.

And onboarding! We all have our onboarding on a Miro board. While it’s highly collaborative, it helps to reduce the amount of check-in calls at the same time. You just move stickies, add comments, check tasks off. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Shout out to @Joshua William Davies:grin:

@Colleen Curtis I love this format for your office hours! The bulletin board is such a cute concept. Also (hehe as you know) I get so stuck in stickies mode that I forget about the delightful ways to translate physical places into digital spaces - shout out to Joshua Davies for that wonderful saying. Love that you’re translating a study hall into Miro office hours.

