PlantUML support in Miro

Hey Miro Community,

We have been extensively using PlantUML to generate UML sequence diagrams in our architecture project.

The human readable text format quickly helps in putting together and maintaining arch diagrams as code.

This feature is supported by and other online tools and we hope to see the same in Miro so we can better collaborate.

Agreed, creating and maintaining a sequence diagram having to drag lines is just unfeasible. Adding new actors or just moving a sequence takes far too much time.

Being able to describe textually the diagram and getting it draw is far more efficient.

Any import functionality at all would be nice. There are many automated tools that generate diagrams automatically, and not being able to import them into a board is maddening.

Hi @Nameet Dutia, we’ve just added two apps to our Marketplace, PlantUML and Mermaid. Check out my post for more details.

Feel free to share any feedback you might have.


