
Related products: Other

As the name suggest, a way to record a series of steps and link to a play button that users/guest can ‘Play’

For example, have a stack of objects or images and cycle the bottom to the front using the ‘Bring to front’ function. Then every time the button is clicked, a new image/object appears on the top.

There could be many applications especially in an educational or game board.

Hey @Robert Johnson, I think this one should be turned into a Wish List idea perhaps? 😊

Hey @Robert Johnson, I think this one should be turned into a Wish List idea perhaps? 😊

Oh, I thought it was. That’s where I wanted it to be! 😅

Let me see if I can move it.

@Henrik Ståhl - thanks for the heads-up.


@Francis Jee - You will likely want to add you own vote too 👍

@Francis Jee - You will likely want to add you own vote too 👍

Aye aye sir!

I just got this idea myself recently and I was surprised this suggestion is so old.

I would naively assume MANY people would love a feature like this.

There is even a “poor man’s” version in Microsoft Excel, CONTROL-Y. Whatever you did with the last command, if you hit CONTROL-Y it just repeats it again.