Fill shapes with patterns (dots, lines, triangles, etc)

Possibility to fill shapes/objects with patterns made of dots, lines, triangles, etc.

Something like these ones:

Thank you

It’s important to build the graph for color challenging audiences, or print the result on black/write printers.

I really need this feature. My organization is very DEI-focused and I feel awkward presenting visualizations I’ve made that do not utilize patterns.

Also for on-screen work it’s often important to distinct the “red box” from the “hatched red box” that is “in planning”, “half broken” or something else. Changing the color to, let’s say, blue, is way less intuitive to understand and to work on.

Hi,  I know this is an old post but I am sure I am not the only one still asking this question.  

The simple workaround is to draw a couple of fine lines in the pattern you want; straight, angled, hatched.  Then duplicate lines until you have the length and height you need.   You can use the distribute command to make sure that they are evenly spaced.  Then group the lines.

This is not a perfect solution (i.e. attempting to resize grouped lines will change spacing) but it is pretty quick to achieve and better than no pattern fill. :-)


This feature also makes Miro boards more accessible to people with color blindness. I was in a recent training class where we had a couple attendees who kept going to the wrong team’s activities.

In “Wireframe Library” (under “more apps”) there is a wireframe called STROKE. That can be used to make a hatch box. Pull it from a side, not a corner to resize.