Embed Notion Page → in MIRO

Related products: Apps & Integrations

We would like to embed a notion page within MIRO, much like how Google Docs are embeddable, and editable. 

For now, we would have to embed either a link which takes the user off the MIRO (and suffers from being not that high-bandwidth, i.e. its hard to know what the notion link is going to). OR, we can copy the data into MIRO. However, Notion’s tools for tables and some other content arrangement tools are quite nice, so it would be great if Notion → MIRO embedding was supported. 


Similar to what Patrick is saying, it would be great to use Miro's amazing live collaboration experience to edit datasets from Notion. For example, 1) importing a Notion dataset into Miro as cards (which can be done); 2) dragging the cards with my team to form groups of cards; 3) having this grouping information reflected back into my database in Notion as tags.

Here, one more soul dreaming with the day this Notion → Miro integration exists.

Yes! Please :)

Yeah, I would also like to embed Notion pages in Miro

This would be a huge plus so we could fully migrate and get rid of a stack of other tools, including saying byebye to monday.com - so far I've had poor results using embednotion.com - is this on the roadmap miro team? 

I have a gallery in Notion with all the books I want to read, each book is a page, a card, I would like to take all these cards to Miro and create a mental map of reading priorities.

I'm sorry for my english. I do not speak english

You can create an iframe snippet for your Notion page on embednpages.com and use it on Miro. Super simple.

Similar to what Patrick is saying, it would be great to use Miro's amazing live collaboration experience to edit datasets from Notion. For example, 1) importing a Notion dataset into Miro as cards (which can be done); 2) dragging the cards with my team to form groups of cards; 3) having this grouping information reflected back into my database in Notion as tags.

This would be a real breaktrhough ! And the reverse also: what we are doing now is planning an event collaboratively in Miro, easily transforming brainstorming into planning (Miro is the best tool). Then (argh!) copy one by one the actions and items defined in Miro into Notion DB when going to implementation. If a set of Miro cards could automatically become a series of field into a notion database (including for exemple date and person in charge), i would definetly adopt as our one and only twin tools !

Is there any cleaner direct way to embed Notion in Miro?

@Ju Nogueira  I’m also going to check out that tool to see if it works, thank you.

Unfortunately, I found out embednpages.com has the downside of requiring an extra click to OPEN. I want to show the Notion page content AS-IS without another click.

The site also appears to NOT refresh Notion content as frequently as Notion itself does, and the aspect ratio appears fixed, i.e., I can’t resize the widget to be slimmer.


I’d also love it if I could embed Notion pages on Miro boards 🙏

Notion is used a tracking system in our org, and it’d be great to have Notion cards the same way JIRA cards in Miro

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.

For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team

I also would love this feature!