Business and Enterprise Feature: All user team

Related products: Other

  • I use Miro as an Enterprise and have multiple teams created based on Agile Release trains and lines of business
  • I find it difficult to create and manage a companywide team that is required for all users to be part of in the company
  • A possible solution would be creating teams that automatically include all users depending on license. Using this feature, we could create two teams named something like:
    • “Miro @ Company” which include all full licenses users.
    • “Miro @ Company all members” which included full and free licensed.

Current Create Team Page:

Team Name [Text]

Permission Settings [selector]

Create a developer team [checkbox]


Updated Create Team Page:

Team Name [Text]

Included User with license: [Multi-Select] (Full) (Free) (Guest)

Permission Settings [Single Select]

Create as developer team [true/false]

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