Board classification to have impact on board sharing

Related products: Permissions

Please enhance the Board classification feature by a mechanism to control the board sharing restrictions. Demand:

  • Public boards can be shared using “Public link sharing”
  • Internal boards are allowed to be shared using “Public Link Sharing” with Password enforcement only
  • Confidential boards are not allowed to be shared using “Public Link Sharing” at all
  • Restricted boards are not allowed to be shared through sharing with Enterprise/Team/Project - they must explicitely be shared on a per-person basis

Hi Dirk, thank you for your feedback, we are looking into those areas at the moment and considering adding them as one of the next improvements. :thumbsup:

Just in case the request really becomes a candidate for improvement I’d love to get in direct contact to discuss the details.

@Dirk Ahmann :

Collaboard bietet exakt was Du suchst. 

Vor allem DSGVO Konform:

Bin nach fast 2 Jahren von miro umgestiegen 


Would be cool to manage classification permissions for a Team. So I can add users to the team and allow them access to classification 1 and 2 boards, but 3+ they wouldn’t see.

Currently it’s a pain to share _some_ boards with other stakeholders. We created a “Shared” Project, but realized that you can’t invite non-team members to projects, so we now have to add those either to all of the boards manually - which gets tedious rly fast. or add them to the whole team and disable in the projects that team members automatically have access. 

So, we need to manually add team members to new projects, which is also tedious.

I don’t know how far on the backlog this change request is, but for us it’s also an important update for Miro.
Especially because we are ISO27001 compliant, we want to reduce the manual admin work as much as possible and enforce security policies as much as possible.

(as described above: it shouldn’t be possible to publicly share boards labelled as ‘confidential’)

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.

For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team


I just followed the Enterprise Security Guard session.  This covers exactly this idea: auto classify boards and then apply security guards (like limiting sharing permissions) on them.

It would be nice to have the limiting of sharing available in the same subscription as the one offering classification of boards.
But I can understand the business model to only offer more advanced security settings for extra money..