Ability to draw straight lines

Related products: Shortcuts / Controls

In other apps, when you hold the shift button, it allows you to draw a straight line. The ability to do this will be quite handy, as I find the line tool very restrictive in some cases (as it always tries to snap to points). In a lot of cases, I just want to draw a line that isn’t wonky. 

Hi @Tessa Zollner, thanks for taking the time to submit your request to the Wish List.


It is already possible to to draw a straight line in Miro. Here’s more information about how to do this: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017730733-Connection-lines#:~:text=To%20draw%20a%20straight%20horizontal,or%20Cmd%20(for%20Mac). 


With this in mind, we are marking this idea as an Existing Feature.

Miro Community Team


OpenExisting Feature (closed)