Hand button on Miro screen

Related products: Shortcuts / Controls

Moving around the Miro board is essential. Currently to do that you type ‘h’. Great. But you need to click an empty space with no objects. I currently have lots of objects with title h because there is no way to click no objects. This is irritating. I can work around it by zooming right out until there is some empty canvas to click. But just give me a hand button so I can start to move. (Even better solution would be to make the short cut CTRL+h)..

Hi @DuncanW. There are currently two ways around this – both while an object is select, you can do the following to get out of edit mode and into pan mode:

  1. Click on the Select action at the very top of your left-vertical app toolbar – doing this is essentially the “pan button” you are asking for.
  2. Another option is to press and hold your keyboard’s space bar – this toggles pan on/off (no GIF example).

@Robert Johnson was coming here to say the same thing. 

  1. you can toggle off ‘select’ by clicking v
  2. you can (as said) hold down spacebar
  3. you can use right-click on your mouse