@razburciu, Ana, Stuart, @Isman Tanuri @Michael Luchen,
Excited to see you on the list 
Thank you, @Marina! I’m in great company and looking forward to spread the Miro word to more clients and users in Asia Pacific!
Thanks @Marina! I finally got in. :)
Super excited to be part of the Miro Experts.
My love affair with this platform grows stronger ever day.

How do I get involved and become a Miro expert? I am just full of creative templates and ways of using Miro that I’d love to share.
Hi @Chris Stone,
There’s an application form to become a Miro Expert
If you have a lot of templates that you are ready to share, you are also welcome to submit them to Miroverse! And please share beautiful boards in #boardexpo and tell us your story.
So many options!
Please choose whatever works for you, and we’ll be happy to see your creations and learn more about your use cases