Share Distributed '23 Feedback for a Chance to Win 🏆

  • 18 October 2023
  • 31 replies
Share Distributed '23 Feedback for a Chance to Win 🏆
Userlevel 7
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Miro Community! Join the Distributed ‘23 conversation and enter for a chance to win! 

Distributed ‘23 may be over but it’s now available on-demand and we want to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below your favorite sessions, speakers, and any learnings you took away from our inspiring speakers. Be sure to also share your questions and ideas on how we can improve the overall experience too. We’re giving away 5 VIP Miro hoodies so comment and share your feedback by October 25th for a chance to win! 



Just in case you get lost as you view, here’s your event guide filled with everything you need to help you navigate through all of our incredible Distributed ‘23 sessions. We’re so excited to have you and can’t wait to hear what you think!



31 replies

Great content! I can’t wait to try out Private Mode with my project teams! 😁

Next level Miro shortcuts and workflows was a great session - I would definitely recommend to watch the playback for some tips and tricks on Miro!

Userlevel 5
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I had a fantastic experience at Miro Distributed '23 and learned a lot from the speakers and sessions. I liked how the event was conducted online and addressed a wide range of issues about teamwork, creativity, and innovation.


Some of my favourite sessions were: 

  • 👉 "Rethinking psychological safety in hybrid teams" by Lois Newman. She provided five practical ideas for increasing psychological safety and performance in distant teams. She also demonstrated a Miro board template for team retrospectives, which I found quite useful.
  • 👉 "Future of Collaboration: Co-creation with Miro AI" by Indra Kusuma. He illustrated how Miro's AI technologies and app connections can improve operations and enable team collaboration. He demonstrated how Miro can produce notes, summaries, and graphics in response to instructions. Miro AI's capabilities have amazed me, and I want to use them in my own projects.
  • 👉 "Next level Miro shortcuts and processes" by Sidhant Ahluwalia. He shared several pointers and strategies for making Miro work more efficiently and successfully. He demonstrated various secret zooming, panning, and selection shortcuts. He also demonstrated some creative approaches for various use cases. This workshop taught me a lot and I believe it will save me time and effort while utilizing Miro.


Some aspects that I believe should be improved are as follows: 

  • 👉 It would be wonderful to have more interactive sessions in which participants may participate and ask questions. To boost involvement, perhaps some breakout rooms or polls might be included. 
  • 👉 Clearer instructions on how to access on-demand recordings and materials would be beneficial. The many apps and websites that were offered confused few of my friends. I missed few sessions, and I couldn't readily get the recording or the slides.
  • 👉 More ways to network and communicate with other Miro users and professionals would be fantastic. Perhaps some virtual coffee chats or speed networking events might be planned. 

Kindly note: I have tried my best, but I might have missed some important points or details. 


Userlevel 1

I was very interested in Indra’s session on “Future of collaboration: Co-creation with Miro AI”. Unfortunately the AI functionality he was demonstrating isn’t available in the Education Account which I use. That’s disappointing and I hope that will change - but it looked interesting anyway.

There is such value to be gained from joining these sessions and hearing from practitioners and their Miro use cases. So much to learn in every session!

Loved the presentation on fostering empathy with Miro retrospectives! Seeing the solution to have teams avoid group thinking with introducing a private mode, and all the research and work that went behind it was very inspirational.

Private Mode looks extremely helpful for all kinds of group activities. Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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Starting with Varun’s keynote session, I am excited for the integration! If Miro gets into the acquisitions game, I hope they start with

For anyone seeing two “” apps, I believe the correct one is Diagrams as per the following screenshot in the integration by Miro (BETA) help center article:

Canada getting some love in that screenshot :)


I was a bit confused as this is what I am seeing in my apps list:


But when I try to start the BETA one, I get:


and then:


I enjoyed learning about the Planner (Program Board) Tool in Miro, which connects to Jira, and how it can show dependencies nicely. My feedback is that the Miro board example was very blurry in the video. I’d love a board link or clearer presentation as a follow up to bring back to my team.

I work with a large, cross-functional team that has some overlap in responsibilities but widely different client sets.  We can’t always get together to have technical discussions so Talktracks will be a great solution to our meeting/training modality issues.  

I loved “Save time uncovering insights from user or customer research with Miro AI”


Thank you for such an informative session.

Userlevel 2

Can’t wait to explore Miro AI features.

Userlevel 2

Miro integration with teams was a game changer to interact with people and the board the same time is very valuable.

Userlevel 2

We use something similar to Neat but it is very new and wow inspiring to see how much neat can do. It will be a blessing for facilitating a hybrid meeting.

Userlevel 2

Neat is setting us up to think how to adapt video technology to be flexible in using the tool. 

thanks for the sessions! I was mostly inspired by Lois´ 5 strategies how to enhance psychological safety - such a big topic in times of uncertainties! I also liked the Miro board tipps like the new AI feature or the anonymous or tags feature. Also the discussion about hybrid learning was inspiring. 

Userlevel 2

Wonderful presentation by Becky. I will re-watch it to listen again. We have the most sophisticated brain and it feels like we haven’t read the user manual. In this age of digital distraction it is very essential to think for ourselves and leverage the machines(smartphones/ AI) in the right place.

Userlevel 2

I have so many takeaways after today’s session. I love using Miro and learnt many new things I can do with it. Thank you for sharing all the knowledge.

Nice session about “Bringing value back to the office: Creating hybrid workspaces”

There were some good tips.

Userlevel 2

I am watching the “AI powered retrospectives” on demand and simultaneously creating a retrospective board for my team. It feels like a new way of preparing for facilitating a session. 

This has been such a insightful event - I’ve really enjoyed the variety of speakers/topics and the fact its so accessible being online (I’m in NZ). It was a pretty early start so I’m stoked you are sharing the recordings of all the sessions (I will definitely be catching up on the ones I missed and rewatching a few of my favs.)

I think the coolest thing across all the sessions I watched/participated in are the real world application of the tooling that I can literally bring to my team today - I was absolutely wow-ed by the Miro AI note clustering - that is AWESOME! and such a time saver!

Thanks for putting on this event!! :) 


Userlevel 2

My favourite session was Rethinking psychological safety in hybrid teams by Lois Newman. A very good combination of theory and a clear strategy to bring this into practise. Brought in an attractive storyline!

For me, the best presentations were those with retro ideas and, of course, escape room! They are a treasure trove of inspiration and motivation, filled with numerous tips and tricks. The fantastic work put into these presentations by incredibly talented professionals is truly remarkable. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to participate in this event. Thank you so much! 😍💖🚀

Its great!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Its great!!

So Happy to hear you’re enjoying, Tobias!! 
