Hi - I’ve gotten onto one of these webinars which i found really interesting, I signed up / saved my spot for a few more but i’ve not been sent the link to join - can you help please ??? Liv
Hi Liv!
Happy to help! Could you share with me what other webinars you have registered for and I’ll take a look into the issue from my end?
Yesterdays was missed : Miro webinar - how to create and facilitate engaging and productive brainstorm sessions. Although I think I may have been sent a video for this one this morning.
Next week : Miro Webinar - Learn how Agile teams can replicate face-to-face collaboration, put ideas into action, and visualize projects and dependencies all on Miro.
Thanks Liv!
I do see where you registered for both our “Hosting Your Next Successful Brainstorm” and “Running Agile Events in a Remote First World”! I’ll take a look into the Agile webinar to see whats going on with the email there, and for the brainstorming session you are correct an email should have came your way with a link to the recording! Thanks for baring with us, I’ll send over an update shortly!
No probs - i was disappointed not to be able to join yesterday or last week - as i had put time a side to do so.. but there we go - these things happen :) thanks for looking into it, i really want to do as many courses as i can as i love the programme and am keen to know more and more! :)

While you’re there - do you know any more about Google image search and when will that return ? or do you suggest some thing else to use instead - as this was a great tool.
Also CC Libraries - is it not possible to import anything other than Vector files ?? i cant seem to…. and I’d really like to import InDesign templates…
Hey Liv,
We hate that we missed you and apologize for the mishap! However we can’t wait to see you at our next sessions! We’re having a more technical team take a look into this for us but in the meantime could you also give your spam folder a quick for us?
As far as the Google Image Search - The integration became unavailable starting July 1st, 2021.
Our partners at Google are updating their API, and our current integration will no longer be supported.
Please, note: this update will not affect Miro integrations with other Google services: Google Drive and Google Calendar.
There are a few alternatives that can replace Google image search in your workflow for the time being:
Use Google image search in the browser, copy link to the image and paste in to your Miro board, or download the image to save it for later and re-upload it to the board when needed – whatever is more convenient for you
Use Miro integration with Unsplash – the functionality of this integration is very close to that of Google image search. The only difference is that you search and add images from the Unsplash website that offers free images and photos that you can download and use for any project
We’ll be sending out an update to our users when we have more to share about our next steps with I do apologize for any inconvenience.
For importing files we currently support the following file types, however we are always looking for ways to bring more to our product! Checkout our Wish List, and feel free to share your feedback with our team!
Hi Jo, I checked my spam and there are no emails from miro.
Thanks for the above info
Do you have any more info on CC Libraries ??
Also CC Libraries - is it not possible to import anything other than Vector files ?? i cant seem to…. and I’d really like to import InDesign templates… can you explain more to me please :)
Hi Liv,
Thanks for checking the spam folder for me! I haven’t come across anything that would point to why you haven’t received the confirmation emails so I am still looking into this issue and I really appreciate your patience! I did manually resend the confirmation email for tomorrow’s Agile Ceremonies Webinar, let me know if you happen to get that email!
For the CC Libraries, you could upload InDesign created files to Miro through our Adobe CC integration.
While, we don’t support any native Adobe filetypes (e.g. .ai, .psd, etc…) you would have to convert these in Adobe and save as Miro supported filetypes before adding them to the board! I hope this workaround works for the time being, and I encourage you to share your feedback with our team via the Wish List!
- Jo
Hi - I’ve just received Agile Ceremonies Webinar | 7.27.21 Confirmation
so I will be join this tomorrow :)