Hey @Wiktor Zurawik,
Thanks for raising this! This looks like a bug to me. I believe dueDate should be returned in the API response — I will reach out to our Engineering team to confirm and let you know as soon as I hear back!
Hi @Will Bishop
Any updates on the topic?
Hey @Wiktor Zurawik,
Thanks for following up on this, and apologies for the delay. I’ve just circled back with our Engineering team on this issue to get a status update. I hope to have an update to share with you shortly!
Thanks, and I’ll be in touch!
To elaborate on this topic: not only dueDate is missing — I cannot get status either 
Hi @Wiktor Zurawik @zlt ,
The `dueDate` should now be returned as expected. Note, however, that startDate is not tyet] supported. If you only set `startDate`, it won’t be returned in the API response. Setting dueDate should now appear as expected however.
@zlt regarding `status`, I’m afraid this field isn’t supported via the API currently. We’re working on adding support for more items that are available in the UI, however, so stay tuned 
@Will Bishop
i cant find “status” in rest api
please show some examples
Hi @Martiros Martiros,
Unfortunately `status` field isn’t supported in the REST API yet, but I hear you on the need for it. We hope to support it in the future.
@Will Bishop is it possible to support a richer set of JIRA fields? Like, anything that is visible to a person in the UI should be available by the API, please?
I’m in particular looking for the Status (as above), but also the issueKey, issueType, and a custom “Business Priority” field.