Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to create a randomizer that would take a list of items or names and randomly select one. I currently am using the random number generator and associating it with a name but would like to have it automatically do this, as I am using it for a game I have built and I have to do this multiple times and it gets confusing for students.
Are you looking to create this name randomizer as a miro app? And what language are you making this in?
| Miro
What a delightful idea! Curious how your game is played.
I was feeling in the Miro-community holiday spirit and this was just too tempting as a quick sprint of development. It was a fun little build. Hope it suits your needs and delights your students.
Introducing . . .

Your very own random Miro item selector.
To Install it Please Send me Private Message:
(not allowed to post install links openly in forum)
Here’s a demo.
@all --- Let me know if you’re interested in exploring more features. :)
Great work in short time
Will you be submitting it to the Miro marketplace for addition to the app gallery?
About the marketplace… I imagine it could make its way there. Its funny, it took us months to fine tune Clusterizer to market readiness… I feel a little weird putting an app out that took all of a couple hours. But if it serves a good straight forward valuable purpose. Let’s get it out there!
Do you feel it would be a welcome download by a marketplace user? Suggestions or ideas for additional features? I mean it could grow a few more functional components - random number, dice, coin, n choose k, move items randomly(scatter). Its kind of basic… maybe it needs to trim down and move from that side bar and be one of those plugins that launches from the bottom interface… or maybe it needs to grow and add a few more randomness features… or maybe its just perfect as it is.
I think there are tons of potential uses for this so I’d absolutely see it as a valuable addition to the marketplace. I really love the fact that it brings the selected object to the top as that would enable simulation of a deck of cards, a dice roller or a coin flipper by just stacking images of each permutation on top of one another.
I can’t think of any enhancements at present - I’d need to play with it myself to come up with some!
That’s great feedback - I’ll mention it as encouragement as I discuss it with the marketplace team.
Also: I couldn’t resist and added a feature last night: ‘Pick a Random Number between min and max’. I realize others have built this as well… but maybe I made a useful twist. If you’ve installed it the new feature should now be available to you. Cheers, Max
Pick Random Number Between Max and Min:

Demo of Pick Random Number
I really like the list randomizer capability - just gave it a quick try and it works great! The random number generator might have a small glitch in it - when I pick two consecutive numbers (e.g. 0 & 1), it always seems to generate the first number (e.g. 0). I tried it seven times in a row, and it broke the “rule of seven” by always picking zero.
I might have to spend some time over the Xmas holidays retro-fitting some of my existing class boards to take advantage of this!
What a delightful idea! Curious how your game is played.
I was feeling in the Miro-community holiday spirit and this was just too tempting as a quick sprint of development. It was a fun little build. Hope it suits your needs and delights your students.
Introducing . . .

Your very own random Miro item selector.
Install it here:
Here’s a demo.
@all --- Let me know if you’re interested in exploring more features. :)
Thank you so much! Cant wait to use it!!
Nice catch!
...was thinking about it for a second. The algorithm is set to catch the nearest integer between min and max- which it first calculates in real number/floating point, then rounds down (floor) to the nearest integer. That would explain “always choosing the lowest number”. I think the current algorithm includes the minimum. I’ll check. So to accomplish “pick 0 or 1” the two numbers would have to be 0,2… but this isn’t obvious.
Some improvements thoughts
- maybe a toggle button “include min and max in range?”
- help text should mention only integers.
I’ll work out some improvements by Tuesday and might add another feature/module… started on it last night.
cheers - max
Added another feature to “Totally Random” --- > Divide selection into X Number of Groups
Also added a touch of help text to the number module as well.
Looks like the youtube embed in the forum here is broken.
Here’s some images:

That is a cool addition - I could see myself using it to split a workshop up into individual breakout groups.

I was still able to use it by tabbing to the action button.
Looks like the scroll doesn’t get you to the bottom, correct? I’ll go fix that.

Oops Sorry -- Think I missed the update push to production. Was a busy day.
Please try again: LMK how goes.

This is great! Thank you, Max. I can have vocabulary images randomized for students to spell or describe. I can shuffle story pages and have them retell the story in a different order or explain why this order is not correct.
I love this feature, however I have not been able to install it for my team. Strangely, one of my team members could install it for herself, but I could not do it.
Does Max or anyone else have an idea why this might be?
Thanks a lot,

Find Totally Random on the App marketplace:

Just added a deck of card-style shuffle feature tonight.

Thanks, Max! Just in time!
I actually found it some days ago, but our first day of school was yesterday, so the whole week was prep time and couldn´t get off a thank you note. Thanks again.
Now it is Miro Time.
What a delightful idea! Curious how your game is played.
I was feeling in the Miro-community holiday spirit and this was just too tempting as a quick sprint of development. It was a fun little build. Hope it suits your needs and delights your students.
Introducing . . .

Your very own random Miro item selector.
To Install it Please Send me Private Message:
(not allowed to post install links openly in forum)
Here’s a demo.
@all --- Let me know if you’re interested in exploring more features. :)
This is great! I just added the app now to my Miro board. I’m wondering if there’s a way to have students click on a single particular link/object/button (the randomizer) and then be randomly brought to another image/item in the board (ideally, with the little zoom/movement that happens like when you click on a link to an object). Basically, so view-only people can use the random image/item feature without having to go into the app via the menu. Is this already built-in to the app?
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