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Jira Cards not showing values for Open Incoming Authentication

  • 17 February 2022
  • 5 replies



I'm at step #6 on How to set up Jira Cards  to to configure the Open Incoming Authentication OAuth tab. values: URL, Consumer Key, Consumer Name, Public Key. 

We installed the Jira Cards apps for my team but we do not have any plugin tab with the values needed. The only option available is "Connect” which doesn't work because there is no connection stablished yet. 



Hi @Andrea Marin,


As far as I can tell, you did not connect Miro to the Jira instance. You should connect Jira instance first under team/company admin user. You have to connect to the Jira instance first under team/company admin user.

@Anthony Roux this is in fact the screen we get under team/company admin user. 

From the instructions, we are supposed to see something like this, but we are not getting that. 


I am facing the same issue. Is there a solution/fix to this yet?


@Anthony Roux As Andrea mentioned, this is the screen where we are supposed to get auth keys to connect to Jira. Looking forward for a fix. 

@Swapnil  I figured what @Anthony Roux replied is in fact correct. I requested our IT department to change my miro role to be Company Admin, with that I was able to see the Open Incoming Authentication values and connect with JIRA.  Hope that helps. 
