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Upgrading - What is the best plan for me?

  • 26 April 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi there,

I am kind of a rookie here but I find the toll of great use. Thanks !

My question would be : I am currently on the free plan. There’s a lot of nice features, but I would like to have more than 3 boards and to use projects. But most of the time, I am using Miro alone and sometimes sharing content with people I mentor. 

What is the best plan for me, as I pretty much alone in my team (TTeam plan needs 2 users min as weel as the consultant plan);

Any advice ?

Thanks !

Miro is cool! I would really suggest the Consultant plan.

I am on the Consultant plan as a single user though. Is there someone else that you've added to a board on your free account? You have to remove that person/account in order to "see" Consultant plan.
