UK VAT ID not accepted

  • 25 February 2022
  • 10 replies

I received an email asking me to update the Tax ID on our Miro account so that reverse charge invoices can be issued.

The Miro billing profile page refuses to accept our VAT number, it returns an error that it is invalid. A little digging on my part revealed that for the Miro interface to consider a VAT number valid, it needs to be in the ECs database. Of course, UK VAT numbers aren’t in that database anymore, however, they remain perfectly valid.

Have other UK customers had this problem?

10 replies

Just to say thank you to @PhillJones – I was stuck on this, and adding GB to the number worked. 

@Miro Community Team  A Quick Ui or copy fix should address this and stop other uses having the same problem. The UI is particularly unclear as it shows a UK flag – making me think it’s already prepared to accept a UK formatted number.

Hi Phil,


My apologies, I’ve been off for a few days and missed your response. Thanks ever so much for your help, I’ve updated our VAT number using the GBxxxx format and it’s worked perfectly.


Best regards,


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@PhillJones -

Sounds like this will be a general issue for UK users on a go forward basis. I’d recommend opening a Miro support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


I needed this help too. Thanks @PhillJones. @Miro Community Team I suggest you get this fixed or add some help text, especially as emails are going out asking users to add their VAT numbers. :-)

When I attempting to input our VAT number on the Miro billing profile page, an error is returned, claiming the VAT number is invalid. Upon further investigation, it appears that Miro's interface validates VAT numbers against the ECs database. Unfortunately, UK VAT numbers are no longer included heated mattress pad twin in that database, even though they are still considered valid. 

Few Months Before I was also Wondering Solution of this querry, Confirm with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that your VAT number is valid and in the correct format. You can also verify the validity of your VAT number through HMRC's online VAT number validation service. 

Make sure you're entering the VAT number in the correct format. UK VAT numbers typically start with "GB" followed by the VAT registration number. For example: sketchup torrent.

I also have a peculiar situation while trying to update the Tax ID on my Miro account to ensure smooth processing of reverse charge invoices. Unfortunately, the Miro interface is refusing to accept my VAT number, showing an error that it is invalid. I did some research and discovered that Miro's system considers VAT numbers to be valid only if they are in the ECs database. This poses a challenge for users like me who have UK VAT numbers, as they are no longer part of that database. 

Hey Dear,

If your VAT ID is being rejected by the billing system go through the following checklist Phobias list: Make sure you are typing the VAT ID in the correct format, including the 2-character country code. The only characters allowed are letters, numbers, and spaces.


@PhillJones - I’ve just experienced the same issue. Were you able to make any progress with Miro support?

Thanks, Chris

Hi Chris,

Yes, I did. Apologies for not updating the forum.

In the UK, it’s common practice to just quote the VAT number, but in Europe, they use a two-digit country code ahead of the number. This occurred to me after getting a purchase order from a French company, so I tried putting the letters GB in front of our VAT number and it was accepted.

The thing about the UK no longer being in the database seems to have been a red herring. I don’t know if we’re still in it for legacy reasons or if it’ll break in the future, but it works for now if you use the European format for VAT numbers.
