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Support for Deep/Dynamic links

  • 2 July 2020
  • 2 replies

In Miro Desktop App or Miro Mobile & Tablet App I would like to add a link to a board pointing to another board and when this link is clicked it would open a new tab and not direct me to the browser. IMHO, Miro should have support Deep Links when using the native apps. 

For those not familiar with the concept of Deep Links / Dynamic Links, this video explains it well.

2 replies

Userlevel 2

Using this feature/approach is enough and solves the problem. The link will the correctly open a new tab within Miro App if pointing to another board.

Userlevel 4


We either need to be able to build a presentation by having ‘Frame Sets” that contain different groups, or by having deep linking so we can create a presentation on another board but author it in the master board.
