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[RESOVED] The "Mark as Read" for the latest update in What's New doesn't update

Since the March 4 update, I click on “Mark as all read”, but annoyingly the number stays.
Here’s the screenshot for clarity:

Under what’s new, it will show 1 item unread.

So, even though I have clicked on Mark all as read, I go back to the boards and it pops back up.

@Rahul Sharma - I had noticed this too. And, yes, while it doesn't affect Miro's performance, it is annoying because I always keep the "What's new" messages all marked as read and cleaned up and I want to stop looking at the little red "1" 😉

It's good to know that I'm not the only one - there's clearly a bug that needs to be fixed. 

I had already shared this feedback with someone at Miro late Friday. I will let you know what I find out.

@Robert Johnson 

It's good to know that I'm not the only one - there's clearly a bug that needs to be fixed. 

Haha. Thanks for letting me know that too. Couldn’t help but notice it.

@Rahul Sharma - I went ahead and submitted a feedback ticket to Miro support :wink:

@Robert Johnson  Cool, thanks.

Latest update from Miro support:

Thank you for getting in touch and addressing the case! 

I'm afraid this issue is due to a bug on our end. The good news is that the team is already working on a fix for it. 

We will definitely keep you posted on our progress. Please bear with us!

hmm. Still there. Both in the app and the browser. Perhaps, I’ll wait a few hours and check.


Unfortunately this is definitely still an issue. The notification goes away when I refresh the page, but only for a few seconds.

I recently joined and loving the app, but I can’t get rid of the notifications on the Learning Center icon (they’re all from What’s New).

The number (currently 135) is there even after scrolling through all of the tickets (in the popup) and even after clicking on “mark all as read”. I tried to sort this on the app (Macbook), browser (Chrome), a different user and in Shift. No use. It’s still there. 

Any ideas? Thanks


 I just installed Miro and for me the notification badge doesn’t go away. It appears on both web and desktop.

This has been an issue for a while. What’s the timeline for getting this resolved?

If nothing else, just disable the notification badge altogether and when you get it working properly, re-enable it.

The only update I have is that the support ticket is still open.

Pop-up ever since I open Miro is extremely annoying and hinders me from getting my work done.
Even when I mark “mark all as read” it still appears.

Would like to add to the feedback and say that this is an annoyance for the team - its so close to bell notification that it’s easy get the two confused. Miro’s key selling point is providing a distraction free canvas. Can it be disabled?

@Colum Foley - I cannot find anywhere to disable this - I also see no mention of how to do this in the Miro Notifications Help Center article.

Yes it’s very annoying. As a new user my number is 138.

So the known bug is over a month old - sounds like a long time for what seems like a pretty simple fix.

Why is this bug taking so long to fix? It is really annoying. Can we get an update please?

The only update I have is that the support ticket is still open.

Hey Robert - any news on this ticket? Can you please provide a better update?

Just piling on here to complain about this awful bug. I just set up Shift to manage all of my accounts and apps and it’s REALLY frustrating that I can’t use Miro because of it. I have 23 unread notifications and I have zero visibility into which are real and which are Miro.

The only update I have is that the support ticket is still open.

Hey Robert - any news on this ticket? Can you please provide a better update?

@EricAtStaircase - Sorry for the delay. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘better update’?

I do not work for Miro and can only update this post as I receive updates myself from the Miro support team - the last update I receive will always be the pinned reply on this post.

@Robert Johnson  Yay!. Issue seems to have been fixed..

Let’s hope the next update it stays that way.

pEdit] It did pop back up when I had closed the app and opened again.. I did the mark as read and that worked… hmm.

@Rahul Sharma - I was going to say ‘that has caught me before too…’, but I tried again and the notifications really have cleared for me now!

This appears to have been resolved everyone - please trying clearing all of your notifications again.


Yup @Robert Johnson  - looks like it has been resolved. I tried logging out and logging back in to make sure. Now, we’ll have to see when the next New announcement is posted whether it continues to work…


Good info, Lucky me I came across your website by accident. 
