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[RESOLVED] Zoom not working with mouse wheel + ctrl

  • 23 November 2023
  • 25 replies

Hi team! I use Miro everyday at work and suddenly today, the Ctrl + Mouse wheel is not working to zoom in our out, no even the trackpad is working. This is so frustrating, having to zoom in and out with the keyboard is not efficient.

I’ve done everything I have read: mouse settings in browser and pc, using zoom at 100, everything. Nothing works. Any help? Is this maybe a bug?

25 replies

Userlevel 2

I just encountered the same issue


Same issue here.

Userlevel 1

same issue, it’s important it gets fixed asap!

Userlevel 1

the same issue
pls fix asap

Userlevel 2

I have raised a support ticket

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I have raised a support ticket

Thanks for letting the community know, @Leo Zuiddam !

If you could let us know what the support tells you, it would greatly appreciated 🙏

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I’m not sure if this is related to a bug or if it will help, but I have noticed that, if I make my browser windows a little bit wider or skinnier, I can get mouse-wheel-scrolling zoom to work.

I’m not sure if this is related to a bug or if it will help, but I have noticed that, if I make my browser windows a little bit wider or skinnier, I can get mouse-wheel-scrolling zoom to work.

Yes. I've noticed that too, when I exit fullscreen mode it works again.

Userlevel 2

But you must be very precise; it is not any smaller sized browser window. Not really convenient


Userlevel 1

Even the feature to move throughout the board with the help of touchpad/ mouse used to be much easier than click draggings. The more freedom on the board to zoom in and out or move far away around was somewhere really helpful!

Userlevel 1

I’m not sure if this is related to a bug or if it will help, but I have noticed that, if I make my browser windows a little bit wider or skinnier, I can get mouse-wheel-scrolling zoom to work.

Not working for me :(

Userlevel 1

no reaction for scroll in/out for zoom in/out either(

Now I've selected both options, but the mouse's scroll wheel isn't functioning for the zoom feature. I tested the mouse on other apps, and the scroll function works perfectly there.

I have had the same problem since midday today. Suddenly the mouse wheel zoom no longer worked. Changes to the mouse or trackpad settings did not bring any change/improvement. The zoom does not work in different browsers. Not even when these are cleaned up or reset. Restarting the PC or changing the window size as suggested here did not help either. 

Same issue here: mouse wheel does not work anymore for zooming. It is a deal breaker.

I use Chrome version: Version 119.0.6045.160 (Official Build) (32-bit)

Not working either in: edge 

Version 119.0.2151.72 (Official build) (64-bit)

Not working in the Miro application (windows 10 64 bits) either :-(

This is a huge drawback! as one of Miro’s greatness is the ease to do graphs way bigger than the screen. Smooth zooming is a MUST.


There is strange problem with zooming. Recently it was ok.

But now it not working in all browsers on my windows comp when I use wheel on my mouse.

In other tabs on a browser wheel scrolling is ok, so mouse works properly. 

Settings in Miro is Mouse.
On other window comp it works in my miro account.

Userlevel 1

has anybody tried to log in/log out into the account?

Userlevel 1

has anybody tried to log in/log out into the account?

it worked for me! 
i got the feature back
zoom in/zoom out with the wheel started working

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I did not try signing in/out, but I can also no longer reproduce the issue.

I had signed out and signed back in first thing day before I noticed the issue. I signed out and signed back in just now, and the issue is gone. So for anyone who’s tried signing out earlier today and it hasn’t work, maybe try a second time.

Ok, I tried it on another computer last night. The mouse wheel zoom worked perfectly there.
Interestingly enough, today it also works again on the PC on which I had the problems yesterday.

"Don't be surprised, just amazed..."

Another workaround idea (for me sign out then in has not worked, neither the window resize nor the fullscreen, etc) if you are working in Chrome and has more tabs open → drag out the miro board browser tab from the other browser tabs and open it in a separated window, OR just simply open a new browser window and open your miro board. If you had more miro boards open, it seems you need to do all of them separately…. (And this is the point when I realized I really had a tons of miro tabs open in my browser…. :D)

Log out and log in again fixed the issue for me. In deal now! ))

Userlevel 1

It works again! OMG, yeyyyyyy, thank youuu

Userlevel 2

Yesterday end of day I received message from support desk that the issue has been fixed. Good luck!
