Does anyone have a problem using “Best Quality” PDF export? “Small file size” export works fine but “Best Quality” gets the frame order wrong. Is it just me?
The order is right only for a low number of frames. I have 26 frames full of graphics and the frame order in the pdf is totally messed up.
Heyyy!! I want to export the frames I made, but I can't change the order. I saw that you can change the order in frames section, but that doesn't work when I export them. Has anyone an idea??
I’ve always had my PDFs organized based on the order in the frames panel so if you are seeing something different, I’d recommend opening a support request with Miro here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center
I have the same problem. When I export with the ‘best quality’ option, it does not maintain the order. When I use the ‘small file size’ option it maintains the order. I wanted to export my presentation urgently.

Results are attached.
I did this from both the latest Chrome and Miro 64-bit desktop app on Windows 10. I am on the Consultant Plan.
What are your specific conditions? E.g.:
- How many frames do you have?
- What plan are you on?
- Are you using a browser or desktop app?
- What OS?
Of course, the processing is on the server side, most of that shouldn’t matter.
Does this happen for every board on your plan?
Same here - going bonkers. Not only does it not it not maintain order - only half the frames are included. It’s like playing random shuffle
One of my boards was exporting in frame order but isn’t any longer. It was fine at 27 frames but now with the same number of frames it is starting from 26, 27, then going to 11-23 (missing 13), then to 1-10, 13, 24, 25.
It exported fine on the 18 Mar 21, but not today, 24 Mar 21.
I’m currently running workshops and providing an offline copy of materials but can no longer keep the pdf up-to-date.
There was an update to frames on the 21 Mar 21 - not sure if this is connected in anyway.
To answer your questions:
How many frames do you have?
What plan are you on?
- Are you using a browser or desktop app?
Chrome: Version 90.0.4430.30 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
Firefox: 85.0.1 (64-bit)
- What OS?
Debian GNU Linux Sid w/ Kernel 5.10.13-1
I just did a test this morning and it does look like there is a new bug with frames ordering in PDF exports.
Looks like there might be a bug that has just appeared with this capability.
It does appear that there is something wrong with the frame ordering in PDF exports for larger boards. I tried a test with a board which has about twenty frames and the order was messed up.
Hi everyone,
I’m sorry to hear you all experience this issue!
I’ve escalated the case to the Miro Support team. I’ll give an update here as soon as I hear from them. Please bear with us!
Nice find everyone! I stopped at 3 frames last night, but started at 10 this morning at worked my way all the way up to the big number of 12.
It’s all speculation on my part, but it seems to start at the 12th frame (for me anyway). I attached the results PDF. When I repeat in “Small file size”, the issue doesn’t occur, butt small and best clearly use different code.
My board:

We are having the same issue right now. A 90-page PDF that is totally jumbled, and one of our staff is having to reorder it before delivering to a client. Please keep us posted.
Hi All. I am experiencing the same issue (frames out of order for “best” exports). This is now happening to boards that exported with correct frame order previously (i.e. about a month ago).
I have also noticed that a board exported with frames in the correct order before I marked it up with digital ink (using pen/draw tool), but after my scribbles were added, the frames exported out of sequence. As well, sometimes the pen marks don’t appear accurately (i.e. I’d circle something on the board with a pen, but when exported, the circle I made was shifted out of position and no longer circled the intended object).
My students love both the synchronous delivery on the miro boards AND the PDF outputs for study notes … looking forward to quick resolution of this problem. R.
Same for me. Long PDFs seem to be garbled. And I never use anything but “Best Quality”. At least my last course three courses are affected. Please fix this ASAP!
Thank you for your patience!
I’m happy to inform you that the issue with the frame order being mixed up when exporting frames into PDF in the best quality has been resolved! Could you please check it on your side, and confirm it is working as expected?
Thank you for your patience!
I’m happy to inform you that the issue with the frame order being mixed up when exporting frames into PDF in the best quality has been resolved! Could you please check it on your side, and confirm it is working as expected?
I can confirm I was able to export in Best Quality & the output was in order of frames.
Thank you for your patience!
I’m happy to inform you that the issue with the frame order being mixed up when exporting frames into PDF in the best quality has been resolved! Could you please check it on your side, and confirm it is working as expected?
Takes a minute, but works for me. Thanks for the fix!
Hi. I am still having this problem of boards in the incorrect order in both the small file size and best quality options when I am exporting to pdf.
I am having this problem as well. Seems it only outputs in the order in which the frames were created. Reordering or renaming does not affect the page order in the PDF.
Side note, when outputting a PDF as “small file size”, where does the file go? I see no way of telling the where the file should be saved.
Thank you for your questions!
As for the order of frames, you are right the renaming of frames doesn’t change the order. Have you tried to change the order in Frames window? I’ve just tested this myself and the sequences in the exported PDF was correct - according to the sequence in Frames window.

As for exported file’s location. If you use Miro in a browser, the file should be in Downloads. Similar to any other file which you download in a browser. If you are using Miro app, then there should be an option to choose where you want the file to be saved on your device.

Thank you fo using Miro!
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, changing the order in the Frames window was the third thing I tried. The first was rearranging the frames on the sheet, the second was renaming the frames.
As mentioned earlier, exporting at a the lower quality works fine. BTW, the save window was obscured by other windows and didn’t see it until I existed those programs. In other words, there is no problem at all was user error.
I will create a new file and experiment again with the Frames window and see if I can’t get that to work.
Thanks again.
I am still having this problem with both best quality and smallest file size options. The frames are in the correct order in the frames menu. Can you please look into this?
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