Does anyone else still experience this kind of trouble?
I already opened a ticket with support - however, I don’t have access to any of my work currently and the reply says it will take a couple of days. This is unacceptable. Just like someone would wipe your whiteboard over night where you put all your thoughts etc.
I’m a teacher. Last week my students filled several boards with content which I connected to one start board with hyperlinks to the other boards. We used these as a virtual end of year event in which all students could leave comments on the boards. It was a big success!
Last night my time (so about 12 hours ago), I duplicated the boards to make a clean version without comments to share with others, and I moved these to a different account. But now it seems random content has disappeared! Not only in these duplicates, but also in the original boards and backup duplicates in other accounts. It’s not a latency issue because I had these as well. Has the content really disappeared? This is quite a scary thought because me and my colleagues have really embraced your wonderful product for professional use, but if it is not reliable we can’t afford to work with it anymore…
Here's a screen capture of the content disappearing:
Please help!
Hi. Exactly! Same here… what’s happened?
Same thing happened - part of my board disappeared a few hours ago...Why?
So is this bug back? I am seeing the disappearing docs issue now. Reloading the board brings the uploaded docs back for a short time (a few minutes) but then they disappear again.
Hello everyone. Many of the pdf files have disappeared from the board. Part of the board is simply missing. When I open the board, some files are trying to load and then disappear in just a matter of seconds. Please fix this! Impossible to work :-(
@Peter Mills -
Have you tried different zoom levels and also accessing Miro from a different device (e.g. Miro desktop app if you normally use the browser)? I’ve seen images disappear temporarily once before, but zooming in and out restored them as expected.
You may also want to try clearing your cache if you are using the browser app and retry.
If neither of those suggestions work, please log a support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center
@Maria09 and @Maurits K. -
Try accessing the boards using a different access method than usual and see if the content is there or not. If it is not, then please log a support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center
It seems to be an issue with showing a preview of images, especially larger files. When I zoom in really closely and click on where the image is supposed to be, eventually the image will load. So my conclusion for now is that the boards have image loading issues and hopefully no content is lost..
Ok. So if I zoom in really a lot then the content appears. Yet, part of the board is still missing
I’ve tried using both the computer app, the web site and the phone app - situation is the same.
And don’t get me wrong but why is it so that users have to zoom in a lot to see the content now… it used to be much easier...
Can't upload any new PDF files
Ever since this morning I haven’t been able to upload any new PDF files… they are loading, yet, they disappear once they’ve been uploaded… Why?
Thanks, Kiron. It does work, but a bit of a disappointment as it requires a fair amount of extra effort. Perhaps a lesson not to use PDFs, but PNGs instead.
Your prompt response is really appreciated.
@Peter Mills -
Have you tried different zoom levels and also accessing Miro from a different device (e.g. Miro desktop app if you normally use the browser)? I’ve seen images disappear temporarily once before, but zooming in and out restored them as expected.
You may also want to try clearing your cache if you are using the browser app and retry.
If neither of those suggestions work, please log a support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center
Thanks, Kiron. It does work, but a bit of a disappointment as it requires a fair amount of extra effort. Perhaps a lesson not to use PDFs, but PNGs instead.
Your prompt response is really appreciated.
So I’m noting the same bug with my personal consulting MIRO account. The PDF’s are not showing up.
Having the same issue with my work enterprise account. PDFs are not showing up in multiple boards that are shared across a few teams and team members.
@Maria09 -
Have you opened a support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center ?
@Natalie Larino & @Brittni -
a few users have mentioned similar concerns - could you help with this?
Hey everyone so it looks like there is definitely a bug. Miro is looking into this currently. If you’re experiencing this issue please contact the Miro Support Team. So sorry for this inconvenience.
Hey everyone so it looks like there is definitely a bug. Miro is looking into this currently. If you’re experiencing this issue please contact the Miro Support Team. So sorry for this inconvenience.
Thanks, Brittni. That would be great. It’s easy to make assumptions that everything will be there and to see it not there nearly caused a small heart attack! I now have PDFs which is no small relief.
Hi! This same thing is happening with my work team account. None of our psd files are loading. This is making it nearly impossible to work.. could someone please help with this?
I just wanted to give you some updates. Our team is aware of this issue and we’re currently working on a solution. Thank you so much for your patience. You can keep track of this by accessing the Miro Status page.
We are having the same issue. Anyone find a solution?
Same issue here. It’s been working fine until today. Some pdfs showed up an hour later in multiples since I tried uploading a few times but some are completely gone. Help!!
Hi Everyone,
The support team is aware of the bug, they’ve mentioned to me, “It’s currently a critical bug that’s in pre-release but hasn’t been released yet so our status page isn’t updated yet.” Last status from them was that the fix would be released asap.
For me, I noticed initially it looked like my pdfs we’re deleted but if I zoomed in the areas where each pdf was located each pdf would magically appear and I was able to open them/shift through them as normal (however this reverses with every refresh of the board or if I close the tab and open it again.) It seems there’s more of a viewing issue than pdfs actually being deleted off boards.
Have any of you all tried this?
Update: the issue seems to be gone, I'm happy again 
It was not related to the access method btw.