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Minimum team number on the Team Plan?

  • 11 May 2020
  • 5 replies


I have two users on my account and want to upgrade to a Team account, which should be $20 monthly. When asked how many team members, the minimum number I am able to choose from the dropdown menu is 5 - which is then charging me $50 a month!


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi @Mike Vessey , it is very likely you have added other members to boards in your current account. You will need to remove them before you can upgrade to the level that you want.

I hope that helps!

Hi Isman,

Thanks for your reply. I don’t have any members on my boards yet. My issue is not being unable to upgrade, but that I cannot choose the correct number of users (2) from the dropdown menu presented to me - it will only let me choose 5+, and then charges accordingly...

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

My bad, Mike! I reviewed, perhaps Team plan does require a minimum 5 pax. Perhaps your next best option would be the Consultant plan.

Hello I want to buy Team plan for 5 pax, although the button “purchase” is disabled. I was trying to do it in the website and from the desktop app. Could you please help me how I can buy 5 seats for team plan?


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Mariela - Are you trying to upgrade an existing Free Plan team using an "Upgrade" button? If yes, I would expect that "5" team members/seats is not an option because you current have more than 5 active users on your Free Plan team.

You can create a new team using the Add teams button from your Miro dashboard. When you click this button you will be asked to enter a team name and will then be taken to a page where you can choose the Team Plan and how many members will be on this team:


