Import sticky notes from Spreadsheet doesn't work

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@Kerrin / @JonoB - Can you provide some details on your specific conditions?

E.g., OS and version (Windows, Mac, etc.), device (laptop, tablet, etc.), application your using to access Miro (browser, desktop app, etc.), which spreadsheet application you are pasting from (Google Sheets, Excel, Excel online/OneDrive, whatever Apple's spreadsheet application is called, etc.).

Sure thing,

Windows 10, laptop, through chrome but also through the miro app. Cells copied from Microsoft Excel local file

@Kerrin / @JonoB - Can you provide some details on your specific conditions?

E.g., OS and version (Windows, Mac, etc.), device (laptop, tablet, etc.), application your using to access Miro (browser, desktop app, etc.), which spreadsheet application you are pasting from (Google Sheets, Excel, Excel online/OneDrive, whatever Apple's spreadsheet application is called, etc.).


Mac OS (not with me now so can’t give you the version, but it should be quite up to date)  

Tried app and browser version /safari, copying from Excel App


Tried on same miro board on Windows, via browser / firefox-  and it worked all fine. 


thanks for checking! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Kerrin & @JonoB - Thanks for the info. I have created the following post and tagged you in it here:

I have also submitted a support ticket with Miro.

Also experiencing this. Pasting from a CSV just inserts everything into one text block-- I am not prompted to paste as stickies. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@SarahmeetMiro - While .csv files will open in a spreadsheet application, e.g., MS Excel, they do not contain the same formatting data that Miro is expecting to see when copied to a clipboard. Instead, CSV is basically plaintext data with commas in between the values. 

Try opening the CVS file in your spreadsheet application, saving it (Save as...) that application's standard format, e.g., MS Excel's .xlsx, and then copying-pasting into Miro.

@Marina I’m on a PC and still have this problem.  Using Chrome.
