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Copy paste from Google Table to Miro – transforming in sticky notes is not working. A couples of days ago it just worked fine. Can anybody help?

Is anyone (still) having this problem on Mac, across different browsers? This is a huge bummer. Would appreciate any tips/hacks/advice (besides switching to a PC...not an option at the moment, unfortunately)!

@Kira Brauda - 

are you also using a Mac, as I’ve been able to do it successfully on a Windows PC with Google Chrome?


I am having the same problem! Any suggestions?

According to the docs it should be able to copy and paste multiple cells from a spreadsheet into a Miro board as sticky notes.
While this works fine on Windows it doesn’t work on Mac for me. It always just creates one big textblock with all cells combined.

Anyone one Mac here who experiences the same?

Tested on latest Chrome & Firefox on OSX.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. This is a known bug at the moment.

I have checked that @Xinyi Liang has already created the support ticket, so I will also convert @Rüdiger Joppe’s question to a ticket, and the Support team will get back to you via email. 

Thank you for flagging!



UPD: it was successfully resolved on April 7.

Just mail it to 

Someone of the support team will look into this.


I’ve encountered the same problem. Sad. 
