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This is sooooooo basic but a massive oversight @Miro.  After wasting  at least an hour I can find NO REFERENCE ANYWHERE on how to save a board.  I guessed maybe autosave, closed down the tab and now my board is NOWHERE to be found.  This is so basic it’s ridiculous - where is the save button and where do boards get saved to / retrieved from?????  Not happy. 

@EssGee -

It is auto-save - every action you do is saved unless you undo it.

The board is saved in the context where you would have created it - if you created it within a Team, that’s where it’ll be. If you created it within a Project within a Team, it’ll be in that Project. You can go to the All Boards view (left-side of the Miro dashboard) to see all the boards within the current Team in case there are multiple projects.


@EssGee - Autosaving web apps is growing in popularity and is fundamental in real-time collaboration web apps such as Miro. Why? In order for other participants on the board to see what you have just done, it must be saved on the Miro server and pushed out to the other participants currently on the board to see your change - if this wasn’t happen, Miro wouldn’t work. And if the changes we “temporarily” saved and pushed out, but then your browser crashed before you could “save” them, then all of the work you had done on the board would suddenly just disappear for all of the users on the board.


Thanks so much such a silly thing not to be obvious! Still dont really understand the ‘save’ location protocol but I’ll figure it out.  Shame it’s so unintuitive.