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Exporting Miro flowchart to CSV

  • 21 December 2022
  • 2 replies

I want to know how to export BOTH the state text (the text in every box, triangle, etc.) and the text on each transition between states (i.e., the lines between states) in a Miro flowchart to a CSV. Is this possible and, if so, how?  Thanks. 



Hi @EdMiro

This option is currently not possible but here’s a workaround I have recorded for you to watch.

Basically I just select Shapes, then Connection Line > Copy it >  and paste into a spreadsheet. This can be tedious when the flowchart is big but this should get the job done.

I hope this helps!

Hi FaraVillarosa,


thanks for this amazing workaround. Unfortunately some shapes are empty in the excel with the described workflow. Do you have any suggestions what the issue could be? 


