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In text fields, we used to be able to be creative with our use of the space bar 🙂 in the last few days that seems to have changed and now any amount of spaces in a text field will get reduced down to one. This has meant a lot of my frames of text now look strange and need to be reformatted.

(to be clear, I mean “doing      this” no longer works, it would show “doing this”)

There’s lots of good reasons to allow multiple spaces and feels like we’ve lost a feature?

Just in case, I will duplicate the Support team’s reply here as well:

The development team recently released an update to the text widget that caused some of the functionality within the text widget like bullet point indentation, line breaks, and spacing to break or behave abnormally. The team has rolled back the release to a previous version so that you should no longer be affected by this issue. The team will work on fixing the text widget and all known issues before rolling out the text widget update, but we apologize for the issues that were caused by this and any inconvenience that may have been caused.

@Mike Emery - Tagging you in this post as maybe this bug is related your your post:

Hi @Jon McKellan, @Kiron Bondale, @LM5, @Julien,

I asked the team, they confirmed this is a bug with spacing. I’ll let you know when it is fixed here in the thread. 

Same bug here :tired_face:

And if I copy and pate textbox with bullet points, I lose my identation:sob:

And if I’d like to resize the textbox, I no longer have the cursor change (double arrow).

And If I have more than 6000 characters, the textbox freeze.

While Miro fixes the bug, how to downgrade?

This is definitely a change as of the past few days. I’ve already spent several hours going back to change many text boxes where my format spacing has disappeared. Will have to do more in the days ahead if miro decides to leave it this way. I agree with you, Jon, it’s a handy feature and I hope they’ll restore it. 

@Kiron Bondale / @Jon McKellan / @Marina - This could be due to some changes being worked on re text objects as per @Lena Shenkarenko's replies to the following post a little over three weeks ago:

@Jon McKellan -

I’m getting the same behavior - never noticed it before so unsure whether this is a change or not. I’d assume that it is by design, but it would be good if there was a formatting option to turn it off or even a general configuration setting for that purpose.

Before accepting the changes: 

After clicking off the box:


@Marina, can you find out if this is by design or a bug?

@Jon McKellan , assuming it is by design, you could log a wish list item to adjust that behavior by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro

