Bring frame to front / send frame to back / stack frames

I just stumbled across the (now?) missing feature to send a frame to back or bring it to front. When is this supposed to come or return?


In particular with nested frames, colored frames help a lot to easily identify boundaries between frames. Yet if one creates a surrounding frame after the nested frames the surrounding frame is always on top the nested ones and its color hides the colors of the nested frames. The only workaround seems to duplicate each nested frame so that they are created after the surrounding frame and are thus now on top the surrounding frame, then rename all of them and delete the original ones. Which is cumbersome and a waste of time.


Another workaround is to Cut the frame, Paste it back, THEN undo the last 2 actions. That will bring back the frame, it will be on top with the right colors/etc. And no need to go through editing copies of the frame 

Another workaround is to Cut the frame, Paste it back, THEN undo the last 2 actions. That will bring back the frame, it will be on top with the right colors/etc. And no need to go through editing copies of the frame 

Sadly, this work around will blow up all links to the items that have been cut/paste.

I think this feature is very required!

@BruceLee44 Thank you for chiming in and suggesting this as a feature! I’ve marked this post as part of our Wish List. While it seems like you and @Jason Kirby have already tried the “bring to front” and “send to back” options, I’m including links to a few Help Center articles in case they can provide more context here and here. Thank you!