What a fantastic initiativ!! 

I’m really looking forward to all the boards that will be created in celebration of the International Women’s Day – and all amazing boards that will be created in the future to empower diversity! 
For those who are working up to subject matter expertise and dreaming of being published in Miroverse or participate in this challenge, but aren't super confident with design, we invite you to match with experienced Miroverse creators to collaborate on a template together. Join us for the first-ever Miroverse Matching Game here!
Well said, @Henrik Ståhl! This is a special way to get all people involved in empowering women through Miro 
Think this is finally going to be my moment to become a full-fledged Miroverse Creator!
Miroverse Challenge Entry, Womxn at Work
Submitted by: Margie Iliescu - Agile Delivery Lead, Aginic (https://aginic.com/)
How to use this board:
Celebrate and reflect with your team, and learn about inspiring women in tech!
This board contains a number of elements which can be used with your team:
- An International Women’s Day themed trivia quiz (with a few Australian themed questions thrown in!)
- A gallery of inspirational women in tech - and links to more information about their lives an achievements
- Resources and links for further learning and support
- Conversation starters to get your team thinking and communicating
- Spotlight story on an amazing young Syrian coder, Aya from Homs
Shout outs!
This resource was created in collaboration by several women from the Aginic Crew. Thanks to Margie Iliescu, Olga Drath, Anna Fransson and Angel Chan for their contributions!
Wow @Margie Iliescu - this is incredible! Thank you for sharing!
Hello! I built the template in a free app (EdApp) versus a standalone template. Is that okay?
@Cynthia Patterson i am not sure i understand what you mean. THe template needs to be built in Miro :)
Miroverse Challenge, Womxn at Work
Entry by Deinika Elston, CX Designer at Meridian Energy.
Women Inventors that Changed History
Ice breaker or Energiser
Facilitators guide
This ice breaker or energiser has been designed to spark curiosity and conversation about the origin of some the most popular inventions over the past 200 years and the great minds that came up with them.
Women are under represented as patent holders but they have had a significant role in changing the history of their fields. This activity is a fun way to bring attention to some of these wonderful ideas and the unique perspectives that allowed these women the creativity to bring them to life.
How to use
Before the session:
- All answers should be hidden with the shushing emoji covers stored on the left. Covers can be locked to reduce accidental movement.
- Participation can be expanded by adding more stickies to the guess area or by grouping participants.
In the session:
- Read out each introduction with the female inventors name.
- Introduce but don't describe the three emoji's that hint at the invention.
- Allow between 1-3 minutes for teams to decipher the hint to make their guess.
- Once the time is up or guesses are complete, remove the cover to reveal the answer.
- Compare and discuss answers.
Discussion prompts:
- Did the answer surprise you?
- What about it did you find surprising? The year? The inventor? The story?
- What unique insight may have lead to this idea?
- How might we use the unique insight we have to invent new ways of doing things?
Bonus activity:
- Allow participants to ideate on the last question. Consider how we might use the unique insight we have to invent new ways of doing things.
- What problem or friction have you observed and how could you solve it?
- Is there a new way of solving an old problem?
- Or an old way of solving a new problem?

This template was designed to guide a small group of people into a journey of deconstruction.
In 1.30 hr session the participants will learn, reflect and will be empowered to start taking action to create a more diverse and inclusive workspace.
During the session:
1.Give definitions
Make your audience reflect on the different definitions and meanings of sex, gender, sexual preferences, intersectionality.
Ask them to match the terminology with the definition.
2.Reflect on the cultural heritage
Once the audience has a common understanding on the topic, guide them in a reflection on the cultural expectations on gender roles/ behaviours.
Ask the participants to drop the images and texts in the circle they believe is the most appropriate one (man/ woman).
3. Scenarios to reflect on workplace (in)equality
At this point it is time to bring the focus of the discussion in the workplace.
You can pick some scenarios to make your audience reflect on situations where different behaviours may appear depending if the protagonist is a man or a woman.
As a facilitator you can either:
Option 1
Duplicate this board and discuss as many scenarios as you want.
Experience suggested: Guide your audience in a deconstruction journey.
Option 2
Divide the group in break out rooms and ask them to focus on a specific scenario.
Hopefully, when the discussion will be concluded, your audience will be finishing a deconstructive journey where some mental models will be broken.
Ask to share learnings and to brainstorm and commit on one action that can contribute to create a more diverse and inclusive workspace
After each part of the workshop, stop sharing the screen, give time for reflection and enable and facilitate face-to-face communication.
Along this workshop there might be sensitive conversations that involved personal or intimate stories. Please ensure that the conditions for a safe space are met and respect if people don't want to share.
Shout outs!
This resource was created in close collaboration with Abigail Schreider, service designer facilitator and activist fighting to bring feminist values to the ways we think, work, and collaborate; Marcelo Baudino, expert in developing strategies for managing diversity and fostering an inclusive workplace; Piera Mattioli, service designer social innovator and visualizer passionate about creating engaging spaces to enable meaningful conversations.
@Karen M, @Alexis Luscutoff, and I have made a template as well, I hope it was submitted on time.
@Helena Brandist
@Henrik Ståhl great news
We will likely extend the deadline so you’re all good 
Phew, thanks @Helena Brandist! 
@Maria Piera Mattioli @Deinika thanks for your submissions
Please don’t forget to submit the templates to Miroverse 
Patent Pairs is a quick icebreaker to get your team in the "sharing" mood ahead of your workshop or meeting.
There are some incredible female inventors out there, let's guess who invented what.
- Simply ask your team to place a dot next to the patent pair they think is correct.
- After the team has voted, remove the pair one by one to reveal the correct pair highlighting the incredible female talent behind the invention. Click and drag the item to the left or right of the frame to reveal the correct answer.
Intellectual property covers a wide range of topics from patents to copyrights to design to trademarks to trade secrets. It was fun collaborating with Taberer Attorneys to create this icebreaker. Taberer have made this seemingly complex subject easy to digest.
Your new favorite icebreaker and team building board is Womxn at Work: Mix & Match!
This board was created for the Womxn at Work template challenge for International Women's Day. It was created by @Henrik Ståhl, @Karen M, and @Alexis Luscutoff.
International Women's Day is powered
by the collective efforts of all
Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity are what make International Women's Day impactful. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained, "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights." So, make International Women's Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.
How to use this Mix and Match game
Look at the portraits
Match them with the name cards
Drag and drop the portraits and name cards to the empty boxes in the Playing Field
Count your correct answers
We hope you'll enjoy learning about inspiring women throughout history as much as we did!
Hello @Anna Savina and @Helena Brandist ! When are the winners going to be announced? :)
@Maria Piera Mattioli sorry — @Helena Brandist reposted old dates by mistake. Since we extended our submission period till the beginning of May, we will announce winners on May 20th!
Womxn at work retrospective
by Sara Parra Aguirre, Service and UX Designer at Accenture
How to use
This board is meant to be a safe space to learn and reflect about women at work, and the challenges they face. The aim is to raise awareness and collaboratively learn what can we do to avoid discrimination of women at work and in our day to day.
Step 1
Read about how women are still dealing with discrimination in their personal and work environments. (5 minutes)
Step 2
Reflect on your work environment and the culture of your company related to what you learnt in the previous step.
- Individually write as many banners as you want about what you think your company/colleagues need to keep doing, stop doing and start doing (5 minutes)
- Share as a group and discuss the topics written in the banners section by section. (20 minutes)
Step 2
Use this template to address and open a discussion about women at work before your Agile team retrospective.
- Individually write as many banners as you want about what you think your team needs to keep doing, stop doing and start doing (5 minutes)
- Share as a group and discuss the topics written in the banners section by section. (20 minutes)
I hope you enjoy it!!
Submitted by Natcha Chaiwongrote, Manager in DesignOps&Innovation at MAQE.
And this board was made with love by MAQE creators
This workshop will take us all through a ride to embrace differences. Along the way, we hope to introduce you the aesthetic of variation in leadership styles; hopefully we can lift each other up and no one shouldn't be not good enough to be a leader just because they're women.
This template is a part of Miroverse Challenge: Womxn at Work.
Facilitator Guide
- Team: Perfect for 4-5 people with a facilitator, good for any numbers of participants.
- 1+ Hour: This workshop can take up to 60 - 75 minutes.
- Flexibility: Facilitator can have different ways to guide through session with groups that need different pacing (read more in the board's intruction).
How to use
Total of 5 steps with 3 discussion stages.
1. Look at the next board, "5 types of leadership styles".
Get familiar with different leadership styles (5-10 mins).
2. Move to board "Stage 1 : Embrace". Complete 3 questions.
You can either do the discussion section by section, or complete all sections at once, then discuss at the end. Totally up to your style, we trust you
(30 mins)
3. Move to board "Stage 2 : Respect".
This board aims to personify each leadership style and makes you all realise the talents around us (10 mins).
- Please note, each person can have the combination of styles depending on a situation and individual's interpretation. That's the beauty of it.
- Please share and discuss what you think!
4. Move to board "Stage 3 : Support". Appreciation time!
After you have realised the different styles, now try to see if there's any talented one that has been overlooked? Recognise their specialness and let the world know that you can't wait to see they rockssssssss. (15 mins)
5. This is coming to an end, reflect what you've learn during this workshop.
And one day we'll wait to see the society that embrace all and respect all.
Even you got lost in here, we hope you have fun :)
Compensation Negotiation Guide Template
Submitted by:
@pedro segreto: Independent Designer and Facilitator
@Colleen Curtis: Head of Community, Miro
There has been little to no progress in closing the gender pay gap in three decades. (source)
Every increase matters to achieve equity.
This template welcomes all individuals to assess their current leverage and company context to best prepare for a productive, dynamic conversation with a manager or prospective company as it relates to compensation.
Negotiation is an expected and healthy conversation. The more comfortable you can become negotiating armed with data, context, preparation and clarity -- the better equipped you'll be to succeed.
Strong negotiation is made of four stages:
1. understanding personal leverage context
2. preparing for negotiation conversation
3. conducting the conversation and appropriate follow-ups
4. aligning and confirming an agreement
In this board, you will find instructions and a sample case that will guide you through the process and explain how to use the template in two moments: one to prepare yourself and a second one to conduct your negotiation conversation in a visual way.
Hi @Colleen Curtis @pedro segreto @Natcha 'Meow' Chaiwongrote @Sara Parra @Maria Piera Mattioli @Alexis Luscutoff @Karen M @Henrik Ståhl @Alice Jakins @Deinika @Margie Iliescu and all the guests of the challenge!
Many thanks to all participants for sharing your amazing boards!
I’m here to tell you that we closed this thread for new submissions, and our judges take a week to choose the winner 
Public voting for the People’s Choice is also open until May19th (EOD), so let’s get voting! Please put a thumbs-up under the post if you like the template. Participants can also share a link to this thread with your network and get their support (
NOTE: we only count the likes
under your comment here in the Miro online community).
Stay tuned! We will get back to you on May 20th and announce the winners 
Hi @Colleen Curtis @pedro segreto @Natcha 'Meow' Chaiwongrote @Sara Parra @Maria Piera Mattioli @Alexis Luscutoff @Karen M @Henrik Ståhl @Alice Jakins @Deinika @Margie Iliescu and all the guests of the challenge!
Ta-da! I am happy to announce the winners of this Miroverse Challenge: Womxn at Work 
Ladies and gentlemen,

The winners are:

The prizes will soon be on their way to the winners and all the participants who followed the entry requirements.
The winners will also see a new badge in their community profile soon 
We want to thank everyone for participating in this challenge and sharing your awesome boards! Most of these templates will soon appear in our Miroverse and will become available to all Miro users.
Stay tuned for the next challenge!
And if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to this category to receive an email notification when we launch a new contest.
Have a good one 
Congrats to the winners!
I had so much fun participating in this! Thank you @pedro segreto for being such a wonderful partner!