Miroverse Challenge: Team Connection ​​​​🤝

  • 16 November 2021
  • 60 replies
Miroverse Challenge: Team Connection ​​​​🤝

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Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Template: Retrospective - Friends 

This is a retrospective board where the team can to touch upon:

  • Mood check-in: How was your mood this iteration?

  • Friendly: The one iteration with friendly and good happenings

  • Not so friendly: The one iteration with unfriendly and bad happenings

  • New friends: Friendly happenings that we would like to bring into the next iteration

  • And decide upon action items from the 'New Friends' section.

Tips! While your team is writing the notes, make sure to play some friendly instrumental music in the background

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Template: Retrospective - Chinese New Year

  • Instructions 

This is a retrospective board where you're able to touch upon:
- A fun iteration check-in/mood: As an icebreaker.
Lucky: What went well this iteration?
Unlucky: What didn't go well this iteration?
- Luck to bring: What kind of luck would you like to bring into the next iteration or going forward?
- Action items: What kind of improvements should the team prioritize going forward?
Red envelope space: Wish your team good luck or give someone feedback (luck) 

The timeboxing for this session depends on the team size, but I'd prefer 50-90 minutes ish. 

Tips! While your team is writing the notes, make sure to play some instrumental Chinese music in the background.

  • Nina Pozderec

  • Psychologist, facilitator & self-management expert at Switch to eleven

  • Category: team building

  • Miro board: Self-management team workshop

  • Instructions are in the template :) 


  • Nina Pozderec

  • Psychologist, facilitator & self-management expert at Switch to eleven

  • Category: team building

  • Miro board: Team alignment workshop

  • Instructions are in the template :) 


  • Nina Pozderec

  • Psychologist, facilitator & self-management expert at Switch to eleven

  • Category: team building

  • Miro board: Team psychological safety workshop


  • Instructions are in the template :) 

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Hand-Drawn Lean Canvas

Collaborate together on this Lean Canvas which is a 1-page business plan template created by Ash Maurya that helps you deconstruct your idea into its key assumptions. It replaces elaborate 20-page business plans with a single page succinct yet robust business model. Lean Canvas is adapted from Alex Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas and optimized for Lean Startups.

  • Your full name: Clyde D’Souza
  • Role and company: Software Engineer at Xero
  • Mention category: Meetings 
  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): Embedded below.
  • Instructions on how to use the template: Complete instructions below and also on it’s Miroverse page

    So, how do you fill up a Lean Canvas? Simple. Just go from step #1 to step #9 as outlined in the template (and also descriptions provided below) and see the magic happen.

    Problem: List to 1–3 problems to solve

    Customer segments: List your target customers and users.

    Unique value proposition: Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention to.

    Solution: Outline a possible solution for each problem.

    Unfair advantage: Something that cannot easily be bought or copied.

    Revenue streams: List your sources of revenue.

    Cost structure: List your fixed and variable costs.

    Key metrics: List key numbers that tell you how your business is doing.

    Channels: List your path to the customer (inbound and/or outbound)

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Retrospective: Aliens

We've been fantasizing about aliens 👽 for so long that they've now come back to visit us at the end of our sprint. Are you excited about their visit? Well, at least they didn't come mid-sprint otherwise that would've caused havoc, am I right?

  • Your full name: Clyde D’Souza
  • Role and company: Software Engineer at Xero
  • Mention category: Meetings 
  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): Embedded below.
  • Instructions on how to use the template: Complete instructions below and also available on it’s Miroverse page

    A trip of a lifetime 
    Would you give up 15 years on Earth in exchange for a 2-week trip with an Alien to the ends of the Universe? A chilling icebreaker, isn't it? 

    A helping hand 
    Rumours are that these aliens have visited Earth before and have helped us build some magnificent structures like the pyramids. Like it or not, let's reflect on what went well. 

    But what if...? 
    There are also other theories that once this portal to extraterrestrial life opens up, some unfriendly aliens can escape into our reality. If that happens, that will certainly not go down well. Anyway, that's a 'what if'. For now, perhaps jot down things that didn't go well during the last sprint? 

    That's it. Happy retrospective!
Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Bulls Eye Feedback 

Interactively capture feedback from meeting attendees. 

  • Your full name: Clyde D’Souza
  • Role and company: Software Engineer at Xero
  • Mention category: Meetings 
  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): Embedded below.
  • Instructions on how to use the template: Include Bulls Eye Feedback in any of your existing workshop Miro boards to get your team's feedback on your workshop by asking them to place one of the custom made darts anywhere in the target. 10 means the workshop was great, 1 means the workshop was bad, and the remaining numbers is for everything in between. This template is also available on Miroverse
Userlevel 3
Badge +5

The Writing Process Template

The writing process can be overwhelming at times. But it doesn't always have to be. To make your life smooth, I've created this all-in-one template that you can copy and fill up. I trust this helps you as much as it has helped me. 

  • Your full name: Clyde D’Souza

  • Role and company: Software Engineer at Xero

  • Mention category: Meetings 

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): Embedded below.


  • Instructions on how to use the template: The template itself has various sections which act as a placeholder to capture information required for writing articles or other written material. Full instructions are available on the templates Miroverse page.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hello I would like to submit my games under the teambuilding category 

Penny Game


Multi-tasking myth buster



The chocolate Bar Game



Wake up in the morning 




Userlevel 1
  • Your full name: Tracy Bain

  • Role and company: Director of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning @ IFAW

  • Mention category: meetings (strategy and planning)

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access):


  • Instructions: This board walks users through different exercises to strategically plan out a conservation or development project with a team. Start by determining the project scope and completing a situational analysis (threat analysis) to develop a concept model. Turn it into a theory of change and select key outcomes to develop SMART objectives. From there you can develop indicators, activities, timelines, conduct a risk assessment or analyze potential partners. To help manage the project team you can design an organogram, outline roles and responsibilities and create a RACI table. It is best to do project planning with the whole project team including your Comms, Finance, Fundraising staff and external project partners.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2







Hi everyone,

I created this winter wonderland experience to help teams bring back the magic of the holidays in this post-pandemic era. All of the instructions and context in available via the link. I also have an article here that provides tips on how you can recreate your next holiday party. Enjoy!!!

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,

@JPalz @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles  @Stewart Wolfe @Said Saddouk @Val_theWiz @Vincent Schnor @Maria Karnaukhova @Marlon @Frankie Kok @Ruslan Kildeev @Kokoro @DWestgarth 

I have some good news: we decided to move the deadline to January 12th 23:59 CET so that everyone can enjoy the holidays and also get a change to take part in the challenge!

We hope everyone enjoys the holidays, and we look forward to see even more amazing templates soon :heart_eyes:

Please don’t forget to submit your template to Miroverse before the deadline and mention what category your template is in: Icebreakers, meetings, or team building. :hugging:

@cwheeler New Date! 

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,

@JPalz @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles  @Stewart Wolfe @Said Saddouk @Val_theWiz @Vincent Schnor @Maria Karnaukhova @Marlon @Frankie Kok @Ruslan Kildeev @Kokoro @DWestgarth 

I have some good news: we decided to move the deadline to January 12th 23:59 CET so that everyone can enjoy the holidays and also get a change to take part in the challenge!

We hope everyone enjoys the holidays, and we look forward to see even more amazing templates soon :heart_eyes:

Please don’t forget to submit your template to Miroverse before the deadline and mention what category your template is in: Icebreakers, meetings, or team building. :hugging:

Thanks a lot, @Helena Brandist ! That’s great news! I was stressing out that I’m not managing to submit my templates because of pre-Christmas hustle! Have an amazing holiday ahead :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi everyone,

@JPalz @Daria Rudnik @Eline Charles  @Stewart Wolfe @Said Saddouk @Val_theWiz @Vincent Schnor @Maria Karnaukhova @Marlon @Frankie Kok @Ruslan Kildeev @Kokoro @DWestgarth 

I have some good news: we decided to move the deadline to January 12th 23:59 CET so that everyone can enjoy the holidays and also get a change to take part in the challenge!

We hope everyone enjoys the holidays, and we look forward to see even more amazing templates soon :heart_eyes:

Please don’t forget to submit your template to Miroverse before the deadline and mention what category your template is in: Icebreakers, meetings, or team building. :hugging:

Userlevel 1
  • Your Full Name: Julie Palazini & Colleen Wheeler
  • Role: Collaborators in overhauling meetings
  • Mention category: icebreakers, meetings, or team building - Icebreaker
  • Miro Board with view access:Team Connection Wall: click image below 

    Team Connection Wall


  • See the activity instructions, objective and details on the board linked above.

A few words to our friends at MIRO...

Thank you for inviting submissions for the "Miroverse Challenge: Team Connection"! We are new to MIRO--and excited to offer this entry.

We help groups and individuals create space for focused reflection and learning. One way we do this is through designing meeting structures that support people in having the same conversation at the same time.

Well-designed, small moments have the power to create connection, deep appreciation, and even lighthearted laughter.

The brief activity outlined in our template allows team members to connect and network in a very low-pressure way. It has enough flexibility to allow the meeting facilitator/team leader to add fresh customized prompts to the pool of conversation prompts.

We decided to create an ICE BREAKER template that could be used regularly during team meetings AND during a stand-alone gathering. We kept it simple. We used frames, shapes, and sticky notes.

  • Your full name - Daria Rudnik

  • Role and company - Daria Rudnik Coaching & Consulting, owner

  • Mention category: icebreakers, meetings, or team building - Team building

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access) https://miro.com/miroverse/team-purpose-workshop/


  • Instructions on how to use the template - on the board

  • Optional: 1-3 minute video overview of your template - 


  • Your full name - Daria Rudnik

  • Role and company - Daria Rudnik Coaching & Consulting, owner

  • Mention category: icebreakers, meetings, or team building - Team building

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access) https://miro.com/miroverse/team-new-years-resolutions-f0gq8lfsgxpbfs1u/


  • Instructions on how to use the template - on the board

  • Optional: 1-3 minute video overview of your template - on the board

Userlevel 2

Your full name: Eline Charles

Role and company: Founder, Check The Process

Mention category: icebreakers

Miro board embedded with your template (with view access):



Pick a fish, any fish! It's simple

Choose a fishing rod and answer the question. Keep the fish safe in the tank afterwards, you might like to play again. Want to change the questions? Just unlock the brown patio and move it to adjust the text.


Userlevel 3

Full name: Sabine Ballata

Role and Company: Product Design and Strategy at Kokoro

Category: Team building

Miro board link:



In this team workshop, tensions within the team are addressed and resolved, using a combination of tried and tested techniques and exercises from non-violent communication, holacracy and agile team development.


  • Teams get a better understanding of their internal dynamics
  • Conflicts are transformed in engines for growth and learning
  • The workshop creates space to move on from tensions and focus on progress

Step by step:

  • Take some time to prepare the workshop by reading through the tips and FAQs included in the template.
  • On the day of the workshop, go through the Principles and do a Check-in. Then, the team list their tensions and match them to the space they can be addressed in.
  • Individual tensions are discussed first: The team helps individuals clarify their needs in order to make progress.
  • Interpersonal tensions are next: Using mirroring, points of contention or conflict are worked through, using non-violent communication principles
  • Check out by summarising your learnings.

Have fun with the elephants in the room - they might not be so scary after all!

Video walkthrough link:


Userlevel 3
  • Your full name - Dave Westgarth

  • Role and company - Digital PM @ DWP

  • Category - icebreakers or team building

  • Miro board embedded with your template - 


  • Instructions on how to use the template - 

    This template works great as an ice breaker or fun team building activity putting a Miro spin on the popular Guess Who game!




    1. Divide into 2 equal teams one for the red tray and one for blue


    2. As a team secretly select a face card and place beneath the Target Card (using PgDn)


    3. Alternate turns asking one question that can be answered yes or no


    4. Eliminate appropriate face cards using the blocker cards to screen out incorrect face cards


    5. Keep taking turns asking questions until someone thinks they can guess who is on the opponent's Target Card


    6. When you are ready to guess who is on the Mystery Card, make your guess on your turn instead of asking a question. You cannot ask a question and guess on the same turn.

    If you guess wrong, you lose the game!

    If you guess right, you win the game!


    BONUS CHALLENGE - For extra difficulty select an extra Target Face cards and try to work out who your opponent has selected using "both" and "either" questions to eliminate potential matches!

    I hope this is a fun exercise in your team and drives engagement and conversations!

Userlevel 3

Full name: Sabine Ballata

Role and Company: Product Design and Strategy at Kokoro

Category: Meetings

Miro board link:



This template for inclusive, strength-based team meetings also works brilliantly for distributed, hybrid and asynchronous teams.


  • It makes sure all voices are heard and introverts don't get overlooked
  • It focuses the team on the most important tasks and on involving everyone you need to make decisions
  • It keeps the team aligned to their collective strengths and helps them overcome difficulties with this positive outlook


  • As a meeting facilitator, you go through the preparation steps outlined in the template
  • You share the template with the team
  • Team members can add items that are important to them, using team strengths to guide their contributions

Have fun with the template and get in touch if you have any questions!

Video walkthrough link: 


Userlevel 4
Badge +1
  • Your full name: Ruslan Kildeev

  • Role and company: Project Coordinator, MitOst e.V.

  • Mention category: Meetings

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): 


  • Instructions on how to use the template:

    This template is built around the Open Space method and helps make it digital. With this template, you can easily run an Open Space session online!

    The instructions below don't explain the method itself — for this, please refer to the original source by Harrison Owen (https://openspaceworld.org/wp2/hho/papers/brief-users-guide-open-space-technology/). 

    A couple of technicalities about how to work with the template:
    1. Use the Pool of Topics to collect topics sourced from the participants.
    2. With help of the Miro timer make the topics pitching short and sexy.
    3. Assign the topics to the "kiosks" to set up the schedule.
    4. Copy the topic sticky notes to the working areas.
    5. Harvest what's happened in the breakouts in the end.


Userlevel 4
Badge +1
  • Your full name: Ruslan Kildeev

  • Role and company: Project Coordinator, MitOst e.V.

  • Mention category: Meetings

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access): 


  • Instructions on how to use the template:

    This template helps you run weekly team updates (for some also known as standup meetings) in a simple yet very efficient manner! It's highly adjustable & simple to work with.

    How to use the template:

  • 0. The instructions are built into the template — you can always refer to them!

    1. Type in your name (name of your project, department, etc.) in the inner circle & choose one sticky notes color.

    2. Share what has happened in the past week (next circle).

    3. Share what is planned for the next week (next circle).

    4. Read through colleagues' updates & leave your comments, questions, reactions (a.k.a. “silent walk”).

    5. Discuss possibilities for collaboration & synergies using the outer circle.

    Great! You've just managed a huge updates session in half an hour.

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Hi everyone, 

  • Full Name: Frankie Kok 

  • Role and Company: Founder at The Creative Gym 

  • Category: Meetings 

  • Miro Board Template below 

What’s Feedback Action Plan?

Feedback Action Plan is a strategic planning framework for organisations to boost team alignment and run productive meetings through gather, review, and take actions on the feedback that's relevant to the organisation’s goal all in one single page.

Why Feedback Action Plan?

During team meetings, the facilitator can 

  • Align the team to move from personal opinions (feedbacks) to greater clarity on the actions to take. 
  • Empower teams to continuously improve by turning constructive feedback into productive actions
  • Incorporating valuable feedback to improve the innovation process

How does the Feedback Action Plan work?

The Feedback Action Plan incorporates the learnings from the feedback they have received from “I like, I wish, I wonder” and turn them into actionable steps at “We will amplify, We will address, We will implement” to create valuable changes.

"I like, I wish, and I wonder" was inspired by the work from Stanford, IDEO, and Hyper Island, and I designed the framework "We will amplify, we will address, and we will implement".
