@Alexis Luscutoff -
I joined the community last Spring shortly after it had launched. We had recently started using Miro for our courses and I had tons of questions which a number of long term users like @mlanders and @Isman Tanuri helped to answer.
In time, I found that I had learned a lot and started to give back by helping new users and the rest is history!
What keeps me coming back? Giving @Robert Johnson competition for active member points 
@Kiron Bondale - You beat me to something else, again 
Welcome, @Alexis Luscutoff!
In support of being Lean and efficient, I’ll quote my November 11, 2020 reply from @Marina‘s Value of the Miro Community? Share your experience! post:
I came to the community in March 2020 as a fairly intermediate Miro user with a question about a change in behaviour I had noticed - @mlanders and @Kiron Bondale responded very quickly, which was encouraging. As I read through some other questions I quickly realized that I could in turn help some others out, so I stuck around.
Over a year later and there have been so many benefits including:
- Helping others while learning from others.
- Learning more about Miro.
- Challenging myself to come up with creative solutions to problems.
- Enhancing my critical reading skills to understand the poster’s scenario/issue/etc.
- Improving my written communication skills.
- Learning even more about Miro.
- Satisfying my inherent curiosity when it comes to figuring out how things work and then sharing the outcomes (most recent example of this here).
- Taking on my first gig of helping another Miro user get up-to-speed and ready to start using Miro with their clients.
- Finally dedicating the time to make my Getting to know Miro board as my entry in the Miro 101 Templates Challenge (and scoring a prize for my efforts!).
- Making numerous internal Miro contacts which had led to some great discussions and also opportunities for me to directly contribute to upcoming Miro features.
- Meeting new people from all over the world, including some fellow Canadians, which has led to even more great discussions, opportunities, and even virtual beers

- Feeling a sense of team with so many other community members! → @Kiron Bondale, @Simon.Harris, @Isman Tanuri, @Jonathan White, @Max Harper
Because Miro is like my home 
@Alexis Luscutoff Ah, finally I found a place where I can rant about Mirco. I know companies love hearing from the customers, so this is the least I can do for you guys. Be share this with the team :)
I’m a new user to Miro and found it with a Google search for “mind map makers” for educational purposes. After I’ve used it for less than a week, I’ve fallen in love with it. I only use the mind maps, and don’t use any other features since I don’t need it, but the fact that this tool is free and has so many features with no big paywall-restrictions… it blows my mind. Even though it’s such a powerful and comprehensive tool, NEVER has it shoved me or annoyed me with pop-ups to upgrade. This humbleness that comes from Miro is truly beautiful. My experience has been great, so, I’m sorry, but I don’t have much feedback on how to improve.
This is a story of how you got another dedicated customer. Hope you enjoyed my feedback.
@Alexis Luscutoff :
I really love to help people on a platform that is so good and perfect to use like miro is - and I love to learn new things and I have so much learned from @Kiron Bondale & from @Robert Johnson and so much more people like @Max Harper and other people.
What makes me coming back is: This community mirrors exact what miro is about: Online collaboration - in the same time or in different time areas …
Creativity, ideas, answers and helping hands are endless like miro is with it’s endless canvas and you have the ability to discover every time more and more …
I love to come back like I love to work again and again with miro
Thank you @miro and all the management that had decided to expand the community with you @Alexis Luscutoff
Hey @Alexis Luscutoff, I echo @Kiron Bondale et al! When the Big P happened, I was lost (my work travel calendar for 2020 completely vanished!) And then I found Miro for facilitation and training, and eventually this community very early in March 2020.
And it is a real community of learning and helping. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten people to get over here and search for answers from the experts on the platform. This place is full of knowledge if one cares to search for it! (I do, quite frequently.)
I think, speaking for myself and perhaps for the others, this community helped us a lot when the chips were down. Gave us inspiration and motivation that, “Hey, this may work out after all” Now, I’m loving my ‘virtual facilitation’ gigs more than ever!
@Robert Johnson, @mlanders, @Kiron Bondale - Thank you for your thoughtful replies! What stands out to me the most is the genuine connection, collaborative spirit, and the joy of giving back. I’m looking forward to exploring this more with you as time goes on! Please feel free to comment here or message me directly if anything else comes up!
Because Miro is like my home 

@SM1 and @Isman Tanuri it’s wonderful to hear from you!
SM1, how inspiring that you found Miro right when you needed it and it’s been such a helpful resource to you. We hope that the community will be just as helpful to you!
Isman, I love that you call out the community that exists beyond just the product. We’re all in this together! Especially after this year.
Thank you both!