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Hi all, :hugging:

I wonder if we have avid readers here 📚:nerd:  

As for me, I am reading several books at a time (not sure if it is the right approach though :thinking: ). They are so different! 

  • The Power of Focus (a self-help book on business, personal and financial success)
  • The Courage to Be Disliked (Alfred Adler’s psychology and philosophy with a little bit of oriental wisdom)
  • The Miracle Morning (very inspiring; that’s the second time I’m reading it)
  • Get Together (a great book on community building)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (do I even need to explain? :smile: )

Super interested in what Miro Community are reading!

Share your books in the comments:point_down_tone2:  Let’s have our own book club :nerd:

I’m finding this post just now, but - great topic! I love hearing about books people are reading and getting recommendations.

On a related note - I just decided the other day to map out the books I’ve read and recommended into different categories, using a Miro board:

It’s still a work in progress - let me know if you have any feedback on how I could make it better or more useful.

Cheers, Dan



Great new thread @Marina !

I just finished the six novella Nameless series from Dean Koontz (fiction) and The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis (non-fiction). 

Both are very different, but very compelling reads!


Out of control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, & the Economic World

Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World

They are both inspiring and amazing! 

What a great idea, @Marina!

The last book I read: Notes from a Friend by Tony Robbins. (It’s like an abridged combination of his books, Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power.)

Currently reading: The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.

A book I’d recommend: Atomic Habits by James Clear!

Looks like a lot of great books have been shared here. More to add to the list! :nerd::books:

@Kiron Bondale I love Dean Koontz! 


I currently don’t have that much time in my day to read as much as I would like but I’ve been reading Get Together by Bailey Richardson and Kevin Huynh but I also started reading The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. 


I’m also looking to start a family soon so I’ve been reading all of the “What to expect...” books by Heidi Murkoff

Lords of Strategy

Corporate Rebels

Disruption Mindset

Oh yeah, Relationship Economics and Co-Create aren’t bad either. Very shady author though! ;-) 


@David Nour, the summaries of your books are great! I like the idea of co-creation, so the book on innovative and strategic collaboration looks interesting to me.

I just finished A Wrinkle in Time, the one that movie was made from a few years ago. It is the first of a trilogy, but the second book is just not on the same level as the first. So I gave up :grin:

I plan on reading The Hobbit next! Love the films, I think it’s finally time to read the books.

I also want to check out Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Sounds like a crazy story of clashing cultures and religion. Topics I think are challenging in American life. I’ve heard the authors story before, so I gotta read more.


@David Nour, the summaries of your books are great! I like the idea of co-creation, so the book on innovative and strategic collaboration looks interesting to me.

Thank you @Marina 
