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This week, Workshop and Meeting Energizers by @Maira is the Template Of The Week (or TOTW). Whether you’re planning a meeting for a small team, or you are a teacher engaging 40 students online, these energizers will help you start your sessions or bring the group back together after a break.



Do you like this template as much as we do? Leave Maira a compliment here, :heart:  her template on Miroverse, and feel free to share your favorite workshop energizers in this thread! 


Voting makes template discovery easier for other members of Miro Community and supports those who are contributing to Miroverse in such a meaningful way.


How do we choose TOTW? It’s a mystery! But upvoting helps! :hugging:

@Maira I love this! I am going to try to use in a meeting this week. 

Can’t wait to get the “Expansion Pack” -- you’re awesome! 

Yeeees! What an honour, thank you so much for featuring this board, Anna!
I have been cooking up some more energizers to extend this little collection, stay tuned ;) 
