How to signal that everything is ok. Is there like a survey?
I am working with groups of 30 . Is there a way to easy ask for feedback in a group (like yes no?) . Like if people can say “ok” with a button so we know that everybody is in place and everything is working? Like voting but just very quick and not depending on space.
Thank you!
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Excellent Alan. I voted for your great idea thanks for reaching out!
Hi @Zahra Talan,
I made a feature request for something similar to this not to long ago! i would be grateful if you could take a look and consider voting for this request if you think it would meet your needs:
Please also consider leaving a comment describing your use case and why you think it is important! For me this is one of several key features Miro needs to add to be REALLY good for live workshops and training. We know the developer team looks at the feature requests, so voting and commenting could really make a difference!
So good Rob! I got two great tips today. Thank you again.
that is great. I was thinking that they are located each one in their space of work. So they might have to do some “mouse miles “ to get back to the post it...but I think yours is the easiest solution. Thank you Rob!
To quickly get the participants to the Yes/No/take a pulse location on the board, you could
put the shapes in a frame and give the frame a title that is short and easy to type. Then they could quickly press Ctrl + F to do a search for the title, and click it in the search results;
you could go to the station first and then they could click your icon in the top-right corner of the board to “follow you” - that would zip them right to where you are;
or, if you are on a paid plan, you could use the Attention Management Bring everyone to me features - see all Attention Management features.
oh! excellent thank you for sharing! Awesome
Here’s an example using a rounded rectangle shape instead of stickies:
that is great. I was thinking that they are located each one in their space of work. So they might have to do some “mouse miles “ to get back to the post it...but I think yours is the easiest solution. Thank you Rob!
@Zahra Talan I would simply put two stickies on the board with one with Yes on it and the other with No on them and then have the participants hover their pointer over their answer