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Hi, I’m a product management planning to embed Miro board in our website via Boards Picker.

I have read your App security guidelines and I’m confused about the requirement:Use OAuth 2.0 authorization.

if we use Boards Picker,it seems that we don’t Use OAuth 2.0 authorization,can we publish our app to the Miro Marketplace?

I’m looking forward to hear your answer.

Hi @lesley,

Good question! You can submit plugins that leverage boardspicker to our Marketplace. The OAuth / authorization for boardspicker is already handled in the architecture of our Live Embed, so you don’t need to implement it yourself.

You will, however, need to create a developer app and add your domain to the allowlist section for Boardspicker:

Once you’ve tested your plugin and filled out all the required fields, you can submit it to the marketplace using this form.

Let me know if it helps!

Thanks for your help,Will. Much appreciated.

Hi @lesley,

Good question! You can submit plugins that leverage boardspicker to our Marketplace. The OAuth / authorization for boardspicker is already handled in the architecture of our Live Embed, so you don’t need to implement it yourself.

You will, however, need to create a developer app and add your domain to the allowlist section for Boardspicker:

Once you’ve tested your plugin and filled out all the required fields, you can submit it to the marketplace using this form.

Let me know if it helps!
