Need help capturing paste event in SDK2

  • 12 December 2022
  • 3 replies

Badge +1


We are working on a miro plugin, using SDK 2, for an integration with one of our systems. When pasting a url from that system on the miro board I’d like to capture that event and create a card instead of just pasting the link. I’ve searched everywhere I can think of, but I’m not able to figure out how to capture this event? Although I see other plugins do the same thing (e.g. the Jira plugin).


Is there any documentation for this? Or has anyone figure out a way to do this and is willing to share this solution?



3 replies

Badge +1

Thanks for the reply, we’ll dive into webhooks to see if we can use them to solve this.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hey there


From what I can tell, this is not possible with SDK 2 as of now.  


With version 1 of the SDK, you used to be able to listen to the WIDGETS_CREATED event, which is probably what you would need, since pasting a link creates a Text-widget (or a preview, if supported) on the board.

This and other events aren’t available in SDK 2 yet, but there’s a feature request on it on Miro’s Dev Platform “Roadmap”.

That’s for the SDK, but I’m not sure about what the REST API provides us with for such a use-case. Maybe the webhooks could help there too. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hey John,


Thanks for your query. We do not support this feature at the moment, but you can certainly add this as a feature request here:


In the meanwhile, as a workaround, you might also want to look at our recently released Webhooks REST APIs that you can probably use to listen to new text widgets created containing certain URLs and write a logic to create a card.


If you’d like to explore and learn more about Webhooks APIs, you can take a look at our documentation here:


Thanks and have a good one! 

Your friendly developer advocate,

