Mirotone UI Changelog

  • 4 July 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 3
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This topic is the changelog for the Mirotone UI Library, the official design resource for Mirotone CSS.


For feedback or questions, check the announcement post for the library, or leave a message on our Discord server.


📣 Subscribe to this post and get updates in your inbox whenever a new version is released 📣



Version 1.2 

Initial release of the Mirotone UI Library:

  • Adds Foundations

    • Colors

    • Functional Colors

    • Typography

    • Spacing

    • Effects

    • Spacing

    • Radius


  • Adds Icons

    • People icons

    • Objects

    • Symbols

    • Board objects

    • 16x16 icons

    • 32x32 icons


  • Adds components

    • App Panel

    • App Card

    • Inputs & Checkboxes

    • Select

    • Buttons

    • Divider

    • Dismissible Badge

    • Link

    • Tags

    • Tabs

    • Table

    • Tooltip


  • Adds Utilities

    • Canvas utilities

    • Installation flows


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Version 1.4 NEW

Mirotone CSS • Figma Community • Discord

  • Adds new designs for Collaborative App Experiences
    • Flows now include examples for you to use and remix. 
Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Version 1.3 NEW

Mirotone CSS • Figma Community • Discord

  • Adds new Flows & Templates section
    • Installation flow
    • Login flow
    • Onboarding flow
    • App Cards flow
  • Adds design section and flow explorer in Mirotone CSS docs
  • Updates App Card component

