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Linking Gannt view to sticky note style

  • 12 January 2021
  • 1 reply

New Miro user - apologies if I’m missed something obvious, I did search.


I’d like to be able to have a Gantt chart and Kanban or some sort of sticky note view of the same data.  The idea being that we can manipulate either view and the other will be up-to-date.  I’m trying to develop a prioritized roadmap in a workshop.  Usually, we use a sticky note style view to set the projects on a relative start date and priority (upper left is near and high priority, lower right is far out and low priority).  What I’d like is for that data to populate a Gannt chart (and vice versa) and be able to dynamically switch representations.

In my really ideal world, I’d tie dollars to each project and the gantt chart could have a few formulae that would then keep the cost by fiscal year up-to-date.

How much of this can I do in miro?  It seems like the gsheet integration is just embedding a gsheet which doesn’t help with the problem.

Has anyone developed something similar or have good ideas on how or if it could be accomplished?

(I posted in the community forum and was directed here for dev ideas)

Thank you for your help.


@Jonathan Young 
What you’re describing is awesome!  Answers to your questions from my view are: Yes and No. 


Yes, as a third party, this could actually all be built from scratch as a plugin using the Miro SDK. Caveat… as of now it would not be able to interact with the native Kanban object in Miro (not yet supported by the SDK). A developer would essentially need to rebuild the Kanban capabilities from scratch.  


Here’s a video I made for you demoing out some capabilities pretty similar to what you’re talking about - things we’ve been experimenting with with some clients and partners. 2X2 grid connected to Auto-Aggregate: 


