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Hi ,

With this code i cant set a background ,

<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>

  background-image: url('');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;


Someone already find out something or miro is just not friendly with iframe background ? 


My goal is to replace the image that Miro gives when you put an iframe code . 


Thanks . 


Hi @Victor64100,

As Max writes in his reply, it's not possible to assign a specific background to an iframe. Currently, this property is not customizable.

As an option, you can insert the iframe as an embed board item:

The previewUrl property enables setting a preview, but not a background, for the embed.

As Max suggests, create a feature request on our roadmap. If you also add your use case for this feature, it would help us a lot.



Technical writer | Developer support | DevX

@Victor64100 Not entirely sure, but pretty sure there’s currently no controlling the iFrame thumbnail. Let’s requested on the platform roadmap. If you create an item there, post back here to channel people there to vote. 
