
Customization of embedded board

  • 26 November 2023
  • 3 replies

Badge +1


I would have some questions regarding possibilities of customizing miro board.


My goal is to embed miro board into my website and use it to my own private lessons. Therefore, I’d have couple of questions:

  1. Is it possible to export the board to PDF if the board is embedded? I don’t see such option, for me it is only visible on regular miro board, not embedded one.
  2. Is it possible to customize the UI (I’m mostly interested really simple UI, like at - since I’d only use miro to write things)
  3. Is it possible to add ‘Video chat’ icon to the main top panel - so that it is visible right away (or ideally, start video chat right after joining the board) 

I tried to look into the documentation, but I didn’t find the answers. 

I would appreciate your help.

Best regards


3 replies


Thanks for your question Dybol.

1. There isn’t an option to export an embedded board as PDF.
2. I doubt if customisations’d be possible. Do you have something specific in mind ? 
3. You could try to reorder the icons and move Video Chat to the top of the list.



Badge +1

Hello, thanks for your response. 

  1. Will it be possible in the near future? Or is it something, that you’re definitely not planning to add?
  2. I was wondering about for example hiding top bar for simplicity. Ideally, set up a ‘template view’ and then use it in all new boards. 
  3. Thanks, that helps! 

I’d have an additional question: When it comes to the video, do I have to be logged in to join a call that was created by the owner of the board? I tried to join from an incognito window to the shared board, but I didn’t find such option 


Best regards



  1. As of now, we don't have a concrete ETA for including something like this on the roadmap at the moment but you can always add a feature request here.

    For other queries, request you to ask Miro Support. They can help you better with them.

